School 2013
(2012 Viki, 16 1:05 eps)
Was going to watch "School 2017" for its leads. I liked them in other dramas, but there was a "School 2013" & thought maybe I should watch that first. I was so surprised to see so many familiar faces! It's interesting to read what they are up to now.
Lee Jong Suk & Kim Woo Bin are the leads with a great bromance. There is no romance in this series, but if you are interested in the Korean school system or are a teacher, you will probably empathize with the plights of the students, teachers, & administrators.
It was not a binge, & the pacing felt rushed at the end, but I liked the stories. For a 10 yr old show, it still held up fairly well. I shed a few tears, and felt frustration at the rules and the awful situations some kids ended up in.
#kDrama #School2013 #LeeJongSuk #이종석 #KimWooBin #김우빈 #ChoiDaniel #최다니엘 #JangNaRa #장나라 #ParkSeYoung #박세영 #KwakJungWook #곽정욱 #WhooshReview
#kdrama #school2013 #leejongsuk #이종석 #kimwoobin #김우빈 #choidaniel #최다니엘 #jangnara #장나라 #parkseyoung #박세영 #kwakjungwook #곽정욱 #whooshreview
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