[루니솔라_여행4K] 일본 후쿠오카 여행 티저영상 / Fukuoka, Japan Travel Video TEASER https://www.alojapan.com/777174/%eb%a3%a8%eb%8b%88%ec%86%94%eb%9d%bc_%ec%97%ac%ed%96%894k-%ec%9d%bc%eb%b3%b8-%ed%9b%84%ec%bf%a0%ec%98%a4%ec%b9%b4-%ec%97%ac%ed%96%89-%ed%8b%b0%ec%a0%80%ec%98%81%ec%83%81-fukuoka-japan-travel-vid/
#빈스 #휼 #도비 #예진 #미술 #예술 #크루 #Crew #Lunisolar #루니솔라 #여행 #긍휼 #후쿠오카 #후쿠오카여행 #후쿠오카맛집 #후쿠오카일상 #일본 #일본여행 #일본여행가자 #일본국가 #여행 #해외여행
#5가지 #crew #Fukuoka #Fukuokadestinations #Fukuokatour #fukuokatravel #Fukuokatrip #Fukuokavacation #Lunisolar #LunisolarCrew #福岡 #긍휴리여행 #긍휼 #도빈 #모임 #미술 #빈스 #예술 #예진 #컨셉 #크루 #확실 #후쿠오카 #후쿠오카여행 #후쿠오카타워
#빈스 #휼 #도비 #예진 #미술 #예술 #크루 #crew #lunisolar #루니솔라 #여행 #긍휼 #후쿠오카 #후쿠오카여행 #후쿠오카맛집 #후쿠오카일상 #일본 #일본여행 #일본여행가자 #일본국가 #해외여행 #5가지 #fukuoka #fukuokadestinations #fukuokatour #fukuokatravel #fukuokatrip #fukuokavacation #lunisolarcrew #福岡 #긍휴리여행 #도빈 #모임 #컨셉 #확실 #후쿠오카타워
This started with the previously posted original watercolor drawing of a sleeping figure. DALLE was used in the outpainting. As the creator of the original, I can clearly see in some places where my lines and brushwork stop and DALLE starts, MOST of the time. But there are places in this work, where DALLE did well. The blue wash of the background is convincing.
#dalle #ai #art #sleep #figurepainting #lifepainting #watercolor #drawing #sketch #dream #🎨 #서양화 #화가 #미술 #contemporary #😴 #화가
#dalle #ai #art #sleep #figurepainting #lifepainting #watercolor #drawing #sketch #dream #서양화 #화가 #미술 #contemporary
Hey all. Sharing some of my artwork here for my inaugural post.
잠(Sleep) #44
🖌️ #구아슈 (gouache)
A2 사이즈
#figurepainting #🎨 #서양화 #화가 #미술 #lifepainting #gouache #contemporary #sleep #dream #😴
#구아슈 #figurepainting #서양화 #화가 #미술 #lifepainting #gouache #contemporary #sleep #dream
Group Exhibition《All Together Now》
불필요한 콘크리트 [Concrete Redundancy]
Installation [Teletext based Animation, Embroidery, Concrete, Photography, Techno-rubble, Publication, Banner]
Raquel Meyers, 2022
#난지미술창작스튜디오 #오픈스튜디오_투어리즘 #서울시립미술관 #미술 #전시 #미술관 #레지던시 #난지레지던시 #오픈스튜디오 #투어리즘 #Museum #OpenStudio #OpenStudio_Tourism #tourism #Residency #exhibition #AlltogetherNow_exhibition #SeMANanjiResidency #SeoulMuseumofArt #SeMA #seoul
#난지미술창작스튜디오 #오픈스튜디오_투어리즘 #서울시립미술관 #미술 #전시 #미술관 #레지던시 #난지레지던시 #오픈스튜디오 #투어리즘 #museum #openstudio #openstudio_tourism #tourism #residency #exhibition #alltogethernow_exhibition #semananjiresidency #seoulmuseumofart #sema #seoul
#Beach topview
🖼️ https://www.bolzef.de/2022/09/stranddraufsicht.html
🖼️ https://www.redbubble.com/de/shop/ap/122771192
🖼️ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/bolzef/beach-topview
✅ https://de.tipeee.com/bolzef/news/149009
#Bolzef #Kreation #Kunst #Art #Creation #美術 #미술 #Strand #Beach #Dinosaurier #Dinosaur #wasser #Urlaub #Sommer #Suche
#Stranddraufsicht #beach #suchbild #searchimage #Bolzef #kreation #kunst #art #creation #美術 #미술 #strand #dinosaurier #dinosaur #wasser #urlaub #sommer #suche