초기업, 산별 교섭 활성화 입법청원에 관한 청원 https://petitions.assembly.go.kr/status/registered/F9BE79ECC00838DAE054B49691C1987F
"현장에서 일하는 팀을 구성할 때 여성을 한 명씩이라도 배치해 팀·반장들이 기술을 전수해 주도록 한 것도 노조라서 가능한 일이었다. 초기에는 '팀에 꼭 여성을 받아야 하느냐'는 볼멘소리도 나왔지만 최근에는 '여성노동자를 팀에 배치해야 한다면 보내달라'는 분위기로 바뀌어 가는 중이다."
https://vop.co.kr/A00001631654.html #민주노총 #건설노조
직고용 통해 불법하청을 막는 것 외에도 이런 역할도 하고 있었군요.
The recent 16-day truck drivers' strike in South Korea exposed the role of the country's pseudo-left organisations, which serve as apologists for the pro-Democratic Party unions and block the development of an independent movement of the working class.
개인적으로, 지도부 정책에 불만은 많지만... #민주노총 실무진들은 직접 사람들을 만나고 그들 목소리를 들어주고 같이 고민해주는 중요한 역할을 하고 있다. 당연한 얘기지만 그 실무진들도 자기 생활이 있는 '인간'이다. 그걸 이해하지 않고 어떤 정책을 얘기하는건 무식한 짓이다.
The truck drivers' strike in South Korea has had a significant impact on big business around the country. However, workers cannot defend their rights through the pro-capitalist unions. They should organize independent rank-and-file committees to take their struggle forward.
#southkorea #Strike #화물연대 #민주노총 #파업
Thousands of truck drivers in South Korea remain on strike this week. The drivers increasingly face government threats as well as being deliberately isolated by their trade union from other sections of workers facing worsening pay and conditions.
Drivers are calling for the expansion of the Safe Trucking Freight Rates System to ensure a minimum wage amid rising fuel costs and inflation.
#southkorea #Strike #화물연대 #민주노총 #파업
The strike by South Korean truck drivers entered its 10th day on Saturday. While the government issues threats against the drivers, the ruling class is relying on the trade unions to isolate these workers and strangle the strike.
#southkorea #Strike #화물연대 #민주노총 #파업
Monday is the fifth day of a strike by thousands of South Korean truck drivers, which is having a significant impact on big business. The drivers are demanding improved safety conditions and delivery fares in the face of threats from the government and the ruling class.
#southkorea #Strike #kctu #민주노총 #화물연대 #파업
Huge crowds of trade unionsts marched today in coordinated actions at Sungnyemun Gate in central Seoul in the morning and then in Yeouido in the afternoon, concluding in front of the national assembly demanding a safety law on constructions sites. Should such a law be passed, it would be written in the blood of countless korean workers. #민주노총 #1u