[[사설] 대구지하철 참사 20주기, 우리는 얼마나 안전해졌나 - 경향신문](https://www.khan.co.kr/opinion/editorial/article/202302172027015/)
> 사회가 그렇게 잊을 때, 참사는 도돌이표처럼 되풀이된다.
#korea update on impeachment of Lee Sang-Min for role in itaewon disaster.
President is ignoring the (non legally binding) parliamentary motion to dismiss. They say he will step down after the parliamentary inquiry.
If not, democratic party will launch impeachment.
#korea #itaewon 17-year-old Hyeon-seo was like a father to his sisters
Ho-gon (father): “Driving around on this [delivery] motorcycle, I could die at any time. If that happens, I want you to look after your little sisters”
"The temporary altar set up by the government didn’t show any names or photographs. Ho-gon didn’t want his son’s name to be concealed, considering that he hadn’t done anything wrong."
#korea Park Bo-na, older sister of Park Sung-ho (Danwon High School sophomore, Class 5), victim of the #Sewol ferry tragedy writes letter of consolation and solidarity to families of #itaewon disaster
#korea #sewol #itaewon #세월호 #이태원참사
#korea four major religions are calling for an end to harassment and hateful remarks against grieving #itaewon families
Also an “immediate police investigation into this ‘secondary abuse’ and for swift measures to socially protect the bereaved families.”
“Watching people curse the bereaved families, whose gut-wrenching pain will not ease even if you hold their hands and cry together with them, makes us ask ourselves once again why communities exist.”
#seoul #korea #CandleLightMovement
Volunteers in high-vis vests man the art-gallery tent. Several artworks line the walls and people move through the small gallery space. Artworks in the background depict various political themes and the itaewon disaster.
#seoul #korea #candlelightmovement #촛불행동 #윤석열퇴진 #윤석열 #이태원 #이태원참사
#seoul #korea #CandleLightMovement
President #YoonSukYeol sits on a giant stone throne, a battalion of police officers bear it on their back. From behind buildings in a background people cry 경찰이 없어요! - "There's no police!"
On the night of the #itaewon disaster, local police had been diverted to perform security at the nearby presidential residence. Yongsan-gu police had repeatedly warned the city and seoul metro police that they were understaffed.
#seoul #korea #candlelightmovement #yoonsukyeol #itaewon #촛불행동 #윤석영퇴진 #윤석열 #이태원 #이태원참사
#korea "Ruling party’s rhetoric is salt in wound of Itaewon survivors"
A summary of the events of the last few days
#korea protesters from #CandleLightMovement assemble outside PPP headquarters to deliver angry letter calling for the dissolution of the party (and a leading rightwing newspaper for good measure) for "immoral remarks" concerning #itaewon disaster after the following PPP officials disparaged grieving families struggle: Jang Je-won. Kwon Seong-dong. Song Eon-seok. Kim Mi-na.
They call for resignation of president, PM, minister of interior as well as dissolution of the party.
#korea #candlelightmovement #itaewon #이태원참사 #촛불행동
Oksana, born and raised in a small town called Spassk-Dalny, eastern Russia, came to Korea in 2018 as a 21-year-old graduate of nursing school.
"[On Oct28 she] had dinner in a restaurant behind the Hamilton Hotel and left around 10 pm. She was stuck in the crowd, unable to move for 40 minutes, only to be rescued as she fell. She received CPR, but eventually died."
#korea teenage survivor of #itaewon crowd crush found dead in apparent suicide.
He was injured in the crush and one of his friends died there.
So many people were affected by the events of that night. I think it's important to keep it in the public awareness that people are still out there struggling with this and still need support.
#korea govt still trying to file bullshit charges against first responders and lay responsibility for #itaewon disaster at the lowest-ranking person they can get away with with burning.
Since the people who died were sentenced to death when no crowd control plan was devised or implemented, failings in the response after the fact are an irrelevant distraction. If future responses can be improved, that's great. But that is not where responsibility lies.
The many dreams of Sang-eun, cut short in Itaewon disaster
Sang-eun’s bucket list included dating, traveling, and moving to the US – but her life was tragically cut short in the all too avoidable disaster on Oct. 29 in Itaewon
#korea #itaewon disaster families are grouping together to demand justice for loved ones.
A special parliamentary committee was held. Members of opposition democratic party met with families to hear their demands for accountability for those responsible and enactment of measures to prevent recurrence of a similar tragedy.
Nobody from the ruling People Power Party bothered to turn up.
Meeting in the presidential office has been requested. So far no reply.
너무나 많은 젊은 생명의 갑작스럽고 비극적인 죽음에 대한 비통함을 모든 대한민국 국민과 함께합니다.🇰🇷 유가족과 대한민국 국민분들께 위로와 조의를 표합니다. 이태원은 EU관저가 있는 곳입니다. 많은 분들이 우리곁을 떠났지만 마음에서는 떠나지 않을 것입니다.