Caveat: 주인 보태줄 나그네 없다
I found this aphorism in my book of Korean aphorisms.
#한국어 #한국어공부 #Aphorisms #Korean
주인 보태줄 나그네 없다 bo.tae.jul eops.da
master support-give-FUTPART traveler not-exist-PRES
The supportive guest does not exist.
All guests become a liability to their host. This seems similar in meaning to the aphorism attribed to Ben Franklin, "Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days."주인-보태줄-나그네-없다/
#한국어 #한국어공부 #aphorisms #korean
Caveat: 금년 새다리가 명년 쇠다리 보다 낫다
I found this aphorism in my book of Korean aphorisms.
#한국어 #한국어공부 #Aphorisms #Korean
금년 새다리가 명년 쇠다리 보다 낫다
[keum.nyeon myeong.nyeon soe.da.ri bo.da nas.da]
this-year bird-leg-SUBJ next-year cow-leg MORE-THAN is-better-PRES
A bird's leg this year is better than a cow's leg next year.
This has an easy equivalent in English's aphorism, "A bird in the hand is worth two in the...
#한국어 #한국어공부 #aphorisms #korean
Caveat: 호랑이 굴에 들어가야 호랑이 새끼를 잡는다
I found this aphorism in my book of Korean aphorisms.
#한국어 #한국어공부 #Aphorisms #Korean
호랑이 굴에 들어가야 호랑이 새끼를 잡는다
ho.rang.i gul.e ho.rang.i sae.kki.reul jap.neun.da
tiger den-INTO enter-OBLIGATION tiger cub-OBJ catch-PRES
[One] must enter the tiger's den [in order to] catch a tiger cub.
"No pain, no gain."
If you really want to catch a tiger cub, there's nothing that will...
#한국어 #한국어공부 #aphorisms #korean
#cover #IZONEウンビ #KPOP #kpopcover #KPOPアイドル #kpopカバー #kpopカラオケ #kpop歌いたい #kpop歌い方 #kpop歌ってみた #kpop芸能 #NICE73 #アイズワンウンビ #ウンビiu #ウンビカバー #ウンビソロ #ウンビボーカル #ウンビリアクション #ウンビ歌うまい #ウンビ歌上手い #ウンビ解説 #カラオケ #クォン・ウンビ #ナイスナナさん #パッチム #ハングル #ボイストレーニング #声出し方 #歌い方 #発声 #韓国 #韓国発音 #韓国芸能 #韓国語 #韓国語勉強 #韓国語歌 #韓国語発音 #韓国語講座 #韓流 #한국노래부르는외국인 #한국어 #한국어강좌 #한국어공부
#cover #izoneウンビ #kpop #kpopcover #kpopアイドル #kpopカバー #kpopカラオケ #kpop歌いたい #kpop歌い方 #kpop歌ってみた #kpop芸能 #nice73 #アイズワンウンビ #ウンビiu #ウンビカバー #ウンビソロ #ウンビボーカル #ウンビリアクション #ウンビ歌うまい #ウンビ歌上手い #ウンビ解説 #カラオケ #クォン・ウンビ #ナイスナナさん #パッチム #ハングル #ボイストレーニング #声出し方 #歌い方 #発声 #韓国 #韓国発音 #韓国芸能 #韓国語 #韓国語勉強 #韓国語歌 #韓国語発音 #韓国語講座 #韓流 #한국노래부르는외국인 #한국어 #한국어강좌 #한국어공부
Caveat: 뿌리 없는 나무에 잎이 필까
#한국어 #한국어공부 #Aphorisms #Korean
I found this aphorism in my book of Korean aphorisms.
뿌리 없는 나무에 잎이 필까
ppu.ri eops.neun ip.i pil.kka
root not-exist-PART tree-LOC leaf-SUBJ bloom-INTERROG
Can leaves bloom on a tree without roots?
The meaning of this seems quite straightforward. For there to be an effect, there must be a cause. It reminds me of Lucretius' observation, "Nil fieri ex...
#한국어 #한국어공부 #aphorisms #korean
Caveat: 얕은 내도 깊게 건너라
I found this aphorism in my book of Korean aphorisms.
#한국어 #한국어공부 #Aphorisms #Korean
얕은 내도 깊게 건너라
yat.eun geon.neo.ra
be-shallow-PART river-CONJ be-deep-ADV cross-IMPER
Cross even a shallow river [as if it were] wide.
One should do everything with caution. Don't let your guard down. The word 내 [nae] was hard to find - all the translation tools online want to render it "my" -...
#한국어 #한국어공부 #aphorisms #korean
Caveat: 소같이 일하고 쥐같이 먹는다
I found this aphorism in my book of Korean aphorisms.
#한국어 #한국어공부 #Aphorisms #Korean
소같이 일하고 쥐같이 먹는다
so.gat.i il.ha.go jui.gat.i meok.neun.da
bovine-like-SUBJ work-CONJ mouse-like-SUBJ eat-PRES
Work like an ox and eat like a mouse.
This is how you get ahead: work hard but don't spend. Makes sense.소같이-일하고-쥐같이-먹는다/
#한국어 #한국어공부 #aphorisms #korean
Caveat: 높은 가지가 부러지기 쉽다
I found this aphorism in my book of Korean aphorisms.
#한국어 #한국어공부 #Aphorisms #Korean
높은 가지가 부러지기 쉽다
nop.eun swib.da
be-high-PART branch-SUBJ break-NOM be-easy-INF
The high branch breaks easily.
This refers to the fact that the higher branches of a tree break more easily, and it's a metaphor for how those who climb the highest socially experience the greatest loss...
#한국어 #한국어공부 #aphorisms #korean
Caveat: 찰 거머리 정
I found this aphorism in my book of Korean aphorisms.
#한국어 #한국어공부 #Aphorisms #Korean
찰 거머리 정
chal jeong
sticky leech passion
A sticky leech's passion
There's not much grammar going on here. It's just a noun phrase. It refers to the excessively clingy lover - I suppose that's what the parallel usage is in English: clingy. The word 정 [jeong] is complex and even problematic, but...
#한국어 #한국어공부 #aphorisms #korean
Caveat: 굼벵이도 둥글재주는 있다
I found this aphorism in my book of Korean aphorisms.
#한국어 #한국어공부 #Aphorisms #Korean
굼벵이도 둥글재주는 있다 dung.geul.jae.ju.neun iss.da
larva-EVEN rolling-talent-TOPIC have-INF
Even worms have a talent for rolling.
Which is to say... everyone can do something - even fools have some merit or ability. No one is worthless.
#한국어 #한국어공부 #aphorisms #korean
#Introduction time: Hi! I’m Adam, a writer of #nonfiction for a living and of #fiction to live. I’m also a reader of #comics, #novels, and #books about #history, for fun; a #TTRPG Forever DM, for my sins; and an #activist for a better world, because that’s what all the other things taught me to be. 하고 한국어를 공부해요. 광주에 살았어요. 인사하세요! #한국어공부 Pleased to make your digital acquaintance!
#한국어공부 #activist #ttrpg #history #books #novels #comics #fiction #nonfiction #introduction
Caveat: 활을 당겨 콧물을 씻는다
I found this aphorism in my book of Korean aphorisms.
#한국어 #한국어공부 #Aphorisms #Korean
활을 당겨 콧물을 씻는다
hwal.eul dang.gyeo kos.mul.eul ssis.neun.da
bow-OBJ pull snot-OBJ wipe-PRES
[Someone] draws the bow [and] wipes [their] snot.
Imagine your nose it running - maybe it's cold outside. You're an archer. You draw your bow, and in that moment, you wipe your nose with your sleeve. I think that...
#한국어 #한국어공부 #aphorisms #korean
Caveat: 겨울 바람이 봄바람 보고 춥다한다
I found this aphorism in my book of Korean aphorisms.
#한국어 #한국어공부 #Aphorisms #Korean
겨울 바람이 봄바람 보고 춥다한다
gyeo.ul ba.ram.i bo.go chup.da.han.da
winter wind-SUBJ spring.wind try-AND cold-make-PRES
The winter wind blows cold at the spring wind.
This refers to the fact that a rude person will insult and find fault with a well-behaved person. No rest for the wicked, or something...
#한국어 #한국어공부 #aphorisms #korean
Caveat: 게으른 놈 짐 많이 진다
I found this aphorism in my book of Korean aphorisms.
#한국어 #한국어공부 #Aphorisms #Korean
게으른 놈 짐 많이 진다 nom jim manh.i jin.da
be-lazy-PART guy burden a-lot carry-PRES
The lazy guy carries a greater burden.
This refers to the fact that someone who is lazy will try to carry everything at once, in one load, rather than make multiple trips. I suppose it could also be indicative of the...
#한국어 #한국어공부 #aphorisms #korean
Caveat: 네 병이야 낫든 안낫든 내 약값이나 내라
I found this aphorism in my book of Korean aphorisms. I'm trying to do one of these each week.
#한국어 #한국어공부 #Aphorisms #Korean
네 병이야 낫든 안낫든 내 약값이나 내라
your illness-OF-COURSE recover-EITHER not-recover-OR my medicine-price-WHATEVER contribute-COMMAND
[Regardless whether] your illness is cured or not, you pay my medicine's price.
This is how the US healthcare system works. And most...
#한국어 #한국어공부 #aphorisms #korean