And let's not EVEN mention the Fremen eyes in this series. It honestly looks like someone opened each frame in Microsoft Paint and just put #0000FF dots on each eye.
I have a couple of #0000FF sky invites, if anyone still cares. Even if you don’t care, I’ve still got them.
Opus.COLORs 2ndドラマCD「#0000FF BLUE」
<span><span style="color:#ff0000;">G</span><span style="color:#ffaa00;">o</span><span style="color:#aaff00;">o</span><span style="color:#00ff00;">d </span></span><span><span style="color:#00ffaa;">n</span><span style="color:#00aaff;">i</span><span style="color:#0000ff;">g</span><span style="color:#aa00ff;">h</span><span style="color:#ff00aa;">t</span></span>
#ff0000 #ffaa00 #aaff00 #00ff00 #00ffaa #00aaff #0000ff #aa00ff #ff00aa
<div class="rainbow-text" style="text-align: center;">
<span class="block-line"><span><span style="color:#ff0000;">G</span><span style="color:#ffaa00;">o</span><span style="color:#aaff00;">o</span><span style="color:#00ff00;">d </span></span><span><span style="color:#00ffaa;">n</span><span style="color:#00aaff;">i</span><span style="color:#0000ff;">g</span><span style="color:#aa00ff;">h</span><span style="color:#ff00aa;">t</span></span></span>
#ff0000 #ffaa00 #aaff00 #00ff00 #00ffaa #00aaff #0000ff #aa00ff #ff00aa
@NefariousAryq it seems slightly darker than #0000FF. Trek calls this color “alpine blue”
Today's edition of #emacs plug-and-play packages (5 of them!) all have a visual component and are all passive packages (the user only enables them, no further interaction).
1. rainbow-mode. All it does, is colorize "color strings" to show up in the color represented by the color string. Most useful in html and other places that accept RGB hex codes. It will make #FF0000 show up red, #0000FF show up blue and so on. It also handles colors in a few other places. Not a big deal, but still nice and useful at times.
2. volatile-highlights: It provides some visual feedback when certain operations are performed. For example, undo, yank, kill or delete region, etc. Again, a small thing, but is a nice and simple guide during heavy editing sessions.
3. aggressive-indent: It reindents blocks and so on after every change you make. When I started using it, it seemed a bit too aggressive but now that I'm used to it, I like that I don't need to worry about indentation almost ever again.
4. highlight-indentation: Does highlighting and works on indentation. All space based indentation is subtly highlighted so there's a visual signal showing it.
5. highlight-numbers: More highlighting. It provides syntax highlighting of numeric literals in source code.
My favorites are probably volatile-highlights and aggressive-indent since their effect clearly shows up the most compared to the others. = "#ff0000"; = "#0000ff";
Roses are red, violets are blue,
Our APIs are king, but community is our glue.
This Valentine's Day we want to say,
That we're grateful for all of you every day!
#ff0000 #0000ff #happyvalentinesday #valentine #api
Roses are #FF0000
Violets are #0000FF
All of my base
Are belong to you
#FF0000 #0000ff #JoinIn #followbackfriday #fediverse #boomboomboom #introductions #twittermigrant #meme #comedy #satire
javascript:(function(){ const colors = ['#FF0000',%20'#00FF00',%20'#0000FF',%20'#FFFF00',%20'#00FFFF',%20'#FF00FF'];%20%20%20let%20i%20=%200;%20%20%20setInterval(()%20=>%20{[i++%20%%20colors.length];%20%20%20},%20500);%20})();
#ff0000 #00ff00 #0000ff #ffff00 #00ffff #ff00ff
#FF0000 #FF6600 #FFCC00 #CBFF00 #65FF00 #00ff00 #00FF66 #00FFCC #00CBFF #0065FF #0000ff #6500FF #CC00FF #FF00CB #FF0065
Automatically generate table of contents by checking the option here: Settings > Format > Markdown
Italic emphasis , Alternative italic emphasis
Bold emphasis , Alternative bold emphasis
Break line (two spaces at end of line)
Block quote
Inline code
Code blocks
Another unordered list
...with hyphen/minus
[File in same folder as the document.]( Use %20 for spaces!
| Left aligned | Middle aligned | Right aligned |
| :--------------- | :------------------: | -----------------: |
| Test | Test | Test |
| Test | Test | Test |
Shorter | Table | Syntax
:---: | ---: | :---
Test | Test | Test
Test | Test | Test
See reference & examples. Enable by checking Math at Settings > Markdown
$ I = \frac V R $
abla \times \vec{\mathbf{B}} -\, \frac1c\, \frac{\partial\vec{\mathbf{E}}}{\partial t} & = \frac{4\pi}{c}\vec{\mathbf{j}}
abla \cdot \vec{\mathbf{E}} & = 4 \pi \rho \
abla \times \vec{\mathbf{E}}\, +\, \frac1c\, \frac{\partial\vec{\mathbf{B}}}{\partial t} & = \vec{\mathbf{0}} \
abla \cdot \vec{\mathbf{B}} & = 0 \end{array}$$
$$\frac{k_t}{k_e} = \sqrt{2}$$
Text with background color / highlight
Text foreground color
Text with colored outline / Text with colored outline
The Subway sandwich was super
Super special characters: ⁰ ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸ ⁹ ⁺ ⁻ ⁼ ⁽ ⁾ ⁿ ™ ® ℠
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Youtube Welcome to Upper Austria
Peertube Road in the wood
Web audio Guifrog - Xia Yu
Local audio Yellowcard - Lights up in the sky
Pie, flow, sequence, class, state, ER
See also: mermaidjs live editor.
graph LR
A[Square Rect] -- Link text --> B((Circle))
A --> C(Round Rect)
B --> D{Rhombus}
C --> D
Create block-styled side content.
Use one of these qualifiers to select the icon and the block color: abstract, summary, tldr, bug, danger, error, example, snippet, failure, fail, missing, question, help, faq, info, todo, note, seealso, quote, cite, success, check, done, tip, hint, important, warning, caution, attention.
!!! warning 'Optional Title'
Block-Styled Side Content with Markdown support
!!! info ''
No-Heading Content
??? bug 'Collapsed by default'
Collapsible Block-Styled Side Content
???+ example 'Open by default'
Collapsible Block-Styled Side Content
This Markdown reference file was created for the Markor project by Gregor Santner and is licensed Creative Commons Zero 1.0 (public domain). File revision 3.
#ffcb2e #3333ff #ff0000 #0000ff