Spring 2023 new release announcements from Bachmann, as one of those weird people who really liked the Pacers it's nice to see the Class 143 and 144 being released in the EFE range (if anyone wants to send me a regional railways 144 I'll give you my address 😂). And a big congratulations to Great Eastern Models on winning Bachmann retailer of the year for 2022.
#ModelRailways #Bachmann #00Gauge #NGauge #GrahamFarish #BritishRailways
#ModelRailways #bachmann #00gauge #ngauge #grahamfarish #BritishRailways
Heljan have released pictures of the decorated samples of their new Class 02 (which will be made available through Gaugemaster and their stockists). Very nice looking shunter but for me a little steep on price for a small 0-4-0 at around £150 but I'm sure it will sell well.
#ModelRailways #00Gauge #0Gauge #BritishRailways #Heljan
#ModelRailways #00gauge #0gauge #BritishRailways #heljan
I said I wouldn't buy another one once the prices started to go up dramatically but I thought it was rude as the supermarket had £4 off. I have every copy of the catalogue from the year I was born right up to around 2011/12 ish. Question is now do I go looking for the missing ones to complete the set or treat this as a one off purchase 😂
#00Gauge #ModelRailways #Hornby #2023
#00gauge #ModelRailways #Hornby
And in more model railway news, Accurascale are now selling their magnetic 'delner' couplings as separate items as well as some NEM pocket fitting close coupling sets.
#ModelRailways #00Gauge #Accurascale #MagneticCouplings
#ModelRailways #00gauge #accurascale #magneticcouplings
Hornby have announced they are producing the LNER B17/5 streamlined loco for 2023. Whilst quite niche I can see it selling well being LNER/a streamlined loco/looking like a baby Mallard. What do you all think?
#Hornby #00Gauge #ModelRailways #LNER
#Hornby #00gauge #ModelRailways #lner
Some up close decorated sample pictures of the forthcoming Cavalex Models Class 56 from their FB page.
#ModelRailways #00Gauge #BritishRailways #Class56 #Diesel #Grid
#ModelRailways #00gauge #BritishRailways #class56 #diesel #grid
KR Models have released livery details for their Bellerophon model. I quite like the NCB version.
#ModelRailways #00Gauge #KRModels #Bellerophon
#ModelRailways #00gauge #krmodels #bellerophon
New pictures from KR Model of the Scunthorpe Steel Works torpedo wagons.
#ModelRailways #00Gauge #KRModels #MoltenIronTorpedoWagon
#ModelRailways #00gauge #krmodels #moltenirontorpedowagon
If you are around the Yeovil area, West Camel Model Railway Club have their show on Friday 30th December. Details in the link.
#ModelRailwayShows #00Gauge #Hornby #Bachmann
#modelrailwayshows #00gauge #Hornby #bachmann
For those with an interest in British railway modelling this is one of the most 'watchable' yt channels I have come across.
#ModelRailways #00Gauge #ChadwickModelRailway
#ModelRailways #00gauge #chadwickmodelrailway
Rapido have announced the addition of BR black 'Wroxall' livery to their forthcoming release of the E1.
#BritishRailways #Trains #00Gauge #ModelRailways #LBSCE1
#BritishRailways #trains #00gauge #ModelRailways #lbsce1
Dapol announce the liveries for the next batch of releases of their well received Class 59 model.
#ModelRailways #00Gauge #Class59 #Dapol #NewLiveries
#ModelRailways #00gauge #class59 #dapol #newliveries
Dapol announce the liveries for the next batch of releases of their well received Class 59 model.
#ModelRailways #00Gauge #Class59 #Dapol #NewLiveries
#ModelRailways #00gauge #class59 #dapol #newliveries
Cavalex have released a video of decorated samples of their new Class 56 in operation at Warley. This Colas Rail example looks very nice.
#00Gauge #ModelRailways #Class56 #ColasRail #CavalexModels
#00gauge #ModelRailways #class56 #colasrail #cavalexmodels
Cavalex have released a video of decorated samples of their new Class 56 in operation at Warley. This Colas Rail example looks very nice.
#00Gauge #ModelRailways #Class56 #ColasRail #CavalexModels
#00gauge #ModelRailways #class56 #colasrail #cavalexmodels
An update from Accurascale on the gorgeous new MK5 Caledonian Sleeper coaches.
#00Gauge #ModelRailways #CaledonianSleeper #BritishRailways #Accurascale
#00gauge #ModelRailways #CaledonianSleeper #BritishRailways #accurascale
Some nice announcements from #RapidoTrainsUk at Warley. For us North Easterners a very nice Y7 and who doesn't like a Small Prairie.
#ModelRailways #00Gauge #NEC #Warley #NewReleases #ModelRailwayShows
#rapidotrainsuk #ModelRailways #00gauge #nec #warley #NewReleases #modelrailwayshows
Going through the stock for the Model Rail Clubs Thomas display. Percy is always a favourite with the kids and is definitely overdue a service 😂
#ModelRailways #00Gauge #TTTE #ThomasAndFriends #Hornby #Percy #Sodor
#ModelRailways #00gauge #ttte #thomasandfriends #Hornby #percy #sodor
Accurascale keeping the ball rolling with more new announcements. This time the quite amazing looking Class 50. Even though I'm mainly a Type 1 or Type 2 fan I could definitely be tempted by one of these.
#ModelRailways #00Gauge #Accurascale #BritishRailways #EnglishElectric #Class50
#ModelRailways #00gauge #accurascale #BritishRailways #englishelectric #class50
When old meets even older, 2 EE type 3's repatriated from storage, cleaned and serviced. The earlier a Triang Hornby version the later a Hornby Railways one.
#ModelRailways #RepairDontReplace #Hornby #Triang #00Gauge
#ModelRailways #repairdontreplace #Hornby #triang #00gauge