Animation Workshop Feedback - Bruce Bryant #0b (2023)
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#spungella #feedback #animation #0b
What smart arse told chatGPT that #0b was black in the #C64 palette? It confidently used that value in several answers until I corrected it!
lda #$0b sta $d020 does not set the border to black that should be lda #$00
You are correct, I apologize for the mistake. To set the border color to black, you would use lda #$00 instead of lda #$0b as I previously mentioned. The corrected code would look like this:
lda #$00
sta $d020
#0b #c64 #chatgpt #commodore64
here is the program used:
%PITCH { #39 ADD #20 DEO }
%DUR { #21 DEO }
#00 #02 NOTE
#02 #01 NOTE
#0b #02 NOTE
#09 #01 NOTE
#00 #01 SUB #02 NOTE
#02 #01 NOTE
#09 #02 NOTE
#07 #01 NOTE
,&top JMP
#07 #01 NOTE
#06 #02 NOTE
#07 #01 NOTE
#09 #01 NOTE
#06 #01 NOTE
#02 #01 NOTE
#06 #02 NOTE
#04 #01 NOTE
#00 #01 NOTE
#00 #01 SUB #01 NOTE
;&melb JMP2
Music sequencing test with #uxn, #uxntal, and #sndkit
This is my first attempt at uxn. Not sure if I'm doing it right?
%NOTE { #37 ADD #20 DEO }
%DUR { #21 DEO }
#00 NOTE #02 DUR BRK
#02 NOTE #01 DUR BRK
#0b NOTE #02 DUR BRK
#09 NOTE #01 DUR BRK
#00 #01 SUB NOTE #02 DUR BRK
#02 NOTE #01 DUR BRK
#09 NOTE #02 DUR BRK
#07 NOTE #01 DUR BRK
,&top JMP