Welcome to my circle of GOAT albums, #10000Days đ
I stated some days ago that this album is a 4,5 because it is a bit weaker towards the end. This was mainly because I find the album closer superfluous. But maybe I just don't get it?
Anyhow, if this isn't a GOAT album, what is?
1. 10,000 Days 5
2. Lateralus 4,5
3. Ănima 4
4. Undertow 4
#metaljourney #tool #10000days
Wings for Mary Pt 1
She never told a lie
Well might have told a lie
But never lived one
Didn't have a life
Didn't have a life
But surely saved one
See? I'm alright, now it's time for us to let you go
Heavy stuff for a Monday morning. Up until this point, #10000Days is at GOAT level.
#NowPlaying Tool - Wings For Mary Pt 1
#metaljourney #tool #tomsnowplaying #nowplaying #10000days
Monday morning.
Time to continue my #Tool #Metaljourney
Up next: 10,000 Days.
This album is by far my most listened - and I can already tell you - my favourite Tool album.
This spin will eventually decide if it is a 4,5 or if it'll be included in my elite circle of GOAT albums.
#NowPlaying Tool - Vicarious
#10000days #nowplaying #metaljourney #tool
...and by the way, 10,000 Days (Wings Pt 2) is the best Tool song ever written.
#NowPlaying Tool - 10,000 Days (Wings Pt 2)
#10000days #tool #tomsnowplaying #nowplaying
Good morning folks!
I am in the mood for some Tool, are you?
#NowPlaying Tool - Vicarious
#10000days #tomsnowplaying #nowplaying
High is the way, but all eyes are upon the ground,
You were the light and the way they'll only read about,
I only pray Heaven knows when to lift you out,
Ten thousand days in the fire is long enough...
Can't sleep. Thought I would try a bit of #Tool as a lullaby.
It's not working.
#10000days #wings #2006 #progressive #progmetal #metal #progressivemetal
#tool #10000days #wings #progressive #progmetal #metal #progressivemetal
L'altre dia tocava Lateralus, avui 10,000 days. L'Ășltim disc de Tool (2006) abans de l'aturada que els va tenir sense treure res de nou fins el 2019. I Ă©s un altre cop una obra mestra. Com a curiositat, el tĂtol fa referĂšncia als dies que triga Saturn a donar una volta al sol (que en realitat sĂłn 10.789 segons la wikipedia...).
"Fear Inoculum" ist schon echt ein klasse Album. LĂ€uft seit Erscheinung rauf und runter Aber jetzt hab ich gerade auf voller LautstĂ€rke mal wieder "Vicarious" im Auto gehört, was fĂŒr ein geiles Brett. Mein absoluter Lieblingssong von #tool. Muss die #10000days mal wieder auspacken...