Day 100
After 100 days of Yuan Gong practice, I am more committed than ever to continue a daily Qigong practice for the rest of my life.
It is undeniable that it improves my health, happiness, and well-being, and that the benefits continue to grow the more I practice. I'm truly grateful to have discovered it.
#100daygong #renxueqigong #qigongeveryday
Day 99
Always look at the bright side of everything. Let your heart make the world brighter.
#100daygong #renxueqigong #openyourheart
Day 98
I have found it hard to live in this world lately without the unhealthy pattern of polarized thinking obstructing clear seeing and understanding.
I connect heart and Shen (consciousness) to replace that pattern in myself with love, trust, and compassion.
#100daygong #renxueqigong #heartandshen
Day 97
Every day is a good day.
Every thing is a good thing.
Every place is a good place.
#100daygong #renxueqigong #allisgood
Day 96
It is important to both improve Qi condition with daily practice, and to cultivate the heart qualities and connection between mind, heart, and Shen (the higher self). Turning attention and awareness inwards is crucial for both.
Day 95
Today I will practice recognizing that everything and everyone I encounter is a teacher with infinite wisdom
#100daygong #renxueqigong #kaixinverse
Day 94
Today I will practice replacing the habit of needing to be right with curiosity and unconditional love
#100daygong #renxueqigong #unconditionallove
#Trust #Openness
Day 93
Today I will practice recognizing and letting go of the habit of trying to control life. Trying to control circumstances, other people's feelings and actions, my own thoughts and feelings.
Today I will practice trust and openness, and being calm, relaxed, and natural.
#100daygong #renxueqigong #controlfreak #trust #openness
Day 92
Trust is essential for a healthy and happy life, for true well-being and growth, and to be a genuine contribution to this world. Trusting ourselves is where we begin.
"The real question is, do we trust ourselves? Have we cultivated a loving relationship with ourselves so that when faced with a difficult situation, we don’t abandon ourselves? Do we love ourselves enough to hold ourselves accountable, lovingly set boundaries with others, follow through on our promises, and care for the things we have been blessed with?"
#100daygong #renxueqigong #trust
Day 91
Open your heart to the universe.
You and the universe are one.
#100daygong #renxueqigong #openyourheart
Day 90
Don't underestimate the impact of doing Qigong practice in a good state. It's important to take the time and care to do this preparation of body, mind, and Qi.
Day 89
Throughout the day, I remind myself to turn my attention inward with the verse:
Awareness inside the body
Feel the emptiness and spaciousness within
#100daygong #renxueqigong #awarenessinside
Day 88
I have no doubt that my dedication to my practice provides me with good health, peace, happiness, and well being
Day 86
No matter what is happening, remaining in a calm, relaxed, and natural state will lead to the best outcome.
#100daygong #renxueqigong #goodstate
Day 85
Being alive in this moment is miraculous - the way the earth sustains us, the way our body allows us to experience and do all the things we do
#100daygong #renxueqigong #gratitude
Day 84
The source of all problems is unhealthy patterns of the mind/consciousness. This is good news.
Day 83
When you trust your body's ability to heal and do what you can to support it, miracles happen.
#100daygong #renxueqigong #unconditionaltrust
Day 82
Life in its natural state is free of problems.
Day 81
Open your heart to everyone all of the time.
Let your heart light up the universe.
#100daygong #renxueqigong #unconditionalopenness