@jchrisjackson @StewartLynch @tundsdev I feel you there! I even broke my own rules with my personal #100DaysOfDevelopment in that I haven’t posted in a long time, mainly after my snowboarding holidays. That doesn’t mean that there’s no development though.
Your unwillingly encouraging me to get back on that wagon though-so thanks for that 🙏 and: keep going yourself 😀
Again yesterday, on #Day15 of my #100DaysOfDevelopment, I worked on the ability to import a deck of previously exported words. Text parsing, baby 😀
Yesterday, on #Day14 of my #100DaysOfDevelopment, I started implementing file import and export in my app. Also, after the app was finally available for „external“ testing in TestFlight, I was able to have my son install an early alpha on his iPhone. Got the first valuable feedback from him 🎉❤️
#Day13 of my #100DaysOfDevelopment is cheating day: other than checking for my TestFlight approval for external Testing, that I had set up yesterday, I didn’t do anything programming related. But: had some quality time with family and friends and took a tour on my road bike. Will compensate for that tomorrow though I guess 😀
On #Day12 of my #100DaysOfDevelopment I concluded my blogpost on how to show a stack of cards with the option to flip the topmost card to its back. Check it out if this is something that could be interesting to you 😀
PS had this post drafted all day long–but didn’t send, so I’m communicating a day later (again) 😂
On #Day11 of #100DaysOfDevelopment, I worked on a main part of the UI/UX in my app: showing a stack of cards that one can flip through. Had an issue with showing the back side of the card first with the wonderful [DeckKit](https://github.com/danielsaidi/DeckKit) package by @danielsaidi, but with a [push](https://github.com/danielsaidi/DeckKit/issues/5) in the right direction from the latter, I made it work 🤟.
Ooopsies-forgot to post about #Day10 of my #100DaysOfDevelopment yesterday. I was working on my app again, making some good progress. Specifically, I found a good way to extend Color to conform to Codable by storing the string representation of its CIColor value. Something that had bothered me for days now 🎉😀
#Day9 if my #100DaysOfDevelopment: rewatched the 2nd/watched a huge part of the 3rd part of @pointfreeco ’s [series](https://www.pointfree.co/collections/swiftui/modern-swiftui) on modern #SwiftUI (subscriber only) and implemented #navigation with a Destination enum as shown in the video. Awesome technique I must say 😀
#Day9 #100daysofdevelopment #SwiftUI #Navigation
@donnywals I worked on my project and posted a new weekly blogpost on what I am doing in my personal #100DaysOfDevelopment program.
I posted a new [blogpost](https://appfros.ch/blog/2023-02-06-week-2-how-it-started) on #Day8 of my personal #100DaysOfDevelopment. In the post, I describe what I did in my first week and what I am planning to do this week. Also, I kept on working on my project. A little milestone was implementing persistence and creating new words in my little vocabulary learning tool 🤟
On #Day7 of #100DaysOfDevelopment I continued developing on my app-introducing an external package to it. This package is open sourced on GitHub and licensed under MIT and I guess with some looking into it I would be able to work on it myself–which is what I want to be able to do when introducing dependencies. Let’s see how this goes 😀
Today (well, technically, yesterday as it’s past midnight) on #Day6 of my #100DaysOfDevelopment, I engaged on Mastodon on the topic of #swift and #SwiftUI. I also worked a little bit on my project in Xcode.
#Day6 #100daysofdevelopment #swift #SwiftUI
For the second day in a row, I forgot to post about #100DaysOfDevelopment 🫣 But: never late the never, so on #Day5 I worked on my personal project. I will talk a little bit more about that on my weekly blogpost that I am planning to publish on Monday.
😳 forgot to post on #Day4 of my #100DaysOfDevelopment – but have not been lazy otherwise 😀. I watched the 2nd video of Pointfree’s series on modern SwiftUI and started a new Xcode project for the project I want to work on first.
I tackled @pointfreeco‘s intro to the series about modern SwiftUI in the morning (while doing some rowing 🚣♀️) 😀 https://www.pointfree.co/episodes/ep214-modern-swiftui-introduction (subscribers only) on #Day3 of #100DaysOfDevelopment. Other than that, I think I made up my mind on what app I want to work on first now.
On #Day2 of my personal #100DaysOfDevelopment I invested my hour of work in getting an overview of the various app ideas I had over the last few years. I doubt that I found all the snippets I generated with different means. Next up: deciding on what I really want to do…
I am starting my personal #100DaysOfDevelopment today–so this is #Day1. In my first weekly [blogpost](https://appfros.ch/blog/2023-01-30-week-1-introduction) about this I explain why and how.