More today via video series. I’m struck simultaneously by how the insights and techniques that make up this way of explaining certain experiences are so deep and powerful, but then also how it’s used in machine learning are so mundane and limited in many respects.

#calculus #3blue1brown #100daysoffastai #day2

Last updated 2 years ago

Today was about starting to better understand calculus. The maths has always been my Achilles heel for the course and I can’t afford to wait until we cover those topics in my degree, so I’m diving in now.

Watched the beginnings of the video series and started to develop a very high-level understanding.

Two key concepts: derivatives and integrals.

I’ll write a blog tomorrow summarising the extent of my understanding.

#fastai #openuniversity #3blue1brown #100daysoffastai

Last updated 2 years ago