I designed and #3dprinted a custom set of #hako dice designed by the wonderful folks over at #100rabbits, @rek and @neauoire
Still need to clean them up a bit and add some color, but pleased with how they came out!
"To make fast software you need slow computers"
Be sure to follow @neauoire for some interesting content.
@neauoire and @rek - They report their discoveries of making games, art, music, nutrition, software almost self-sufficiently on their sailing boat Pico somewhere on the pacific ocean. I like their style and the idea of having a self-made, unique software ecosystem. http://100r.co
@drazraeltod - German software developer and fpv drone pilot. I share his interest in the unusual, unexpected and lesser known.
@criticalmedia - A German podcast account of an audio-message driven, never-ending debate on society, media and politics.
@Welchering - A German public broadcast journalist (#DLF) and journalism mentor ranting on bad journalism and broken technology.
#maker #games #gamemaker #music #musicmaker #orca #100rabbits #pico #autarkie #selfsufficiency #drone #ff #podcast #society #politics #media #journalism #deutsch #deutschlandfunk #tech #technology
#pico #autarkie #selfsufficiency #journalism #deutsch #deutschlandfunk #followfriday #dlf #maker #games #music #musicmaker #orca #100rabbits #tech #technology #gamemaker #drone #ff #podcast #society #politics #media
I have finally rented a boat to go sailing in October with the kids. No, this does not yet mean I will found a floating solarpunk gamedev studio, but it is a tiny step in this direction :) #100rabbits