In occasione del centenario della nascita di Murray Bookchin il CSL - Centro Studi Libertari / Archivio Giuseppe Pinelli ha inaugurato una "collezione digitale" a lui dedicata, che raccoglie tutti i materiali e le informazioni disponibili sul sito a lui relative, a testimonianza della lunga collaborazione che lo ha legato al Centro studi.
Puoi esplorare la collezione qui:
Questi i titoli di Bookchin disponibili nel nostro catalogo:
- "L'ecologia della libertà"
- "Per una società ecologica"
- "Democrazia diretta"
🏴 Die Gustav Landauer Initiative hat zum 100. Geburtstag von Murray Bookchin zwei Broschüren „Ökologie und Anarchie“ herausgebracht. 🌳
Der erste Band umfasst wichtige Beiträge zu aktuellen Diskussionen, im zweiten Band wird in historischen Texten die enge Verbundenheit frühen libertären Denkens mit dem ganzheitlichen Ansatz der Welt- und Naturbetrachtung aufgezeigt
📚🍃 #100yearsMurrayBookchin #MurrayBookchin #GLBibW #GustavLandauerInitiative
#100yearsMurrayBookchin #murraybookchin #glbibw #GustavLandauerInitiative
A book launch event for "Enlightenment and Ecology" celebrating the life and work of Murray Bookchin (January 14, 1921 – July 30, 2006)
Black Rose Books is a non-profit, independent, radical publisher. All contributions go directly towards supporting our publishing mission.
The 14th of January marks 100 years of Murray Bookchin's birth. This is a significant anniversary for us as we believe his thought, always political and directed towards radical social change, is of crucial importance for our future. For this reason, we chose to invite some of the contributors of the book Enlightenment and Ecology to a dialogue about Bookchin's legacy today.
#100yearsMurrayBookchin #murraybookchin