Printed #100YearsAgoToday #history #immigration
#100yearsagotoday #history #immigration
Printed #100YearsAgoToday ,1923, 10 years before Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. #history #OldNews #OldNewspapers
#100yearsagotoday #history #oldnews #oldnewspapers
Interesting interview with Thomas Edison printed #100YearsAgoToday
#100YearsAgoToday in #YYC: Fire Chief James “Cappy” Smart is scheduled to be Santa Claus at a party for 100 children of firefighters at Fire Hall No. 2 (extant at 1807 Macleod Tr SE). An alarm comes in while he is putting on the costume, and Smart heads off to the fire as Santa Claus. It turns out to be a chimney fire, and he is back at the party before long. Images via University of Calgary Libraries and Heritage Calgary/City of Calgary
#100YearsAgoToday in #YYC (Nov. 27, 1922): City council gives permission for a bronze memorial commemorating soldiers lost in #WWI to be placed in front of the Calgary Public Library in #YYC’s Memorial Park. The bronze statue, commissioned by the Colonel Macleod Chapter of the Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire and designed by Montreal sculptor Coeur de Lion McCarthy, is unveiled on June 23, 1924. #yyccc #BeltlineYYC
#100yearsagotoday #yyc #wwi #yyccc #beltlineyyc
#100YearsAgoToday in #YYC (Nov. 28, 1922): City council gives permission for a bronze memorial commemorating soldiers lost in #WWI to be placed in front of the Calgary Public Library in #YYC’s Memorial Park. The bronze statue, commissioned by the Colonel Macleod Chapter of the Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire and designed by Montreal sculptor Coeur de Lion McCarthy, is unveiled on June 23, 1924.