The #Unterbau demands a solution to the university employment crisis. Limiting contracts, salaries while producing more academics?! The #Unterbau demands support for diverse perspectives & career paths, more perm positions commensurate with the diversity & burden of tasks. An increase in basic remuneration, a sustainable personnel policy, and fully financed research.
#Vienna #UniVienna #IchbinHanna #109UG #precarity @academicchatter #ECRchat
#Unterbau #vienna #UniVienna #IchbinHanna #109ug #precarity #ecrchat
The #Unterbau of #UniVienna -- the precarious academic staff that constitute the foundations of the university -- are on the #Vienna streets today!
In front of the #GÖD, which will start a new round of collective agreement salary negotiations today, the #Unterbau demands a salary settlement that covers #inflation. Today is also about #109UG, which came into effect & limits short-term uni contracts to 8yrs per institution per life. #IchbinHanna
#Unterbau #UniVienna #vienna #god #inflation #109ug #IchbinHanna