O 10 PRINT mais rápido do Oeste
#MundoRetro #10PRINT #8BitShowAndTell #BASIC #Commodore64 #CommodoreBASIC #Otimizao
#otimizao #commodorebasic #commodore64 #basic #8bitshowandtell #10print #mundoretro
Never been done before as it seems, so I may be the first who did this. So here is a port of the famous #10print one liner to the #gigatronttl transistor logic micro computer that works without any microprocessor. Have fun!
I've ported 10print, https://10print.org/, to Unix shell:
The classic C64 one-liner
10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10
yes '╱ ╲' | awk '{printf $(1.5+rand())}'
The loop has become implicit, in what is essentially a pair of endless coroutines.
I'm reading 10PRINT https://10print.org/; it's fun.
On p27 they suggest a variant on the classic 10PRINT program called TWO WALLS, which use two walls to print a random maze. The code is a bit ugly because it uses characters 181 and 184:
10 print chr$(181 +(int(rnd(1)+0.5)*3));:goto10
but they missed the fact that you can use 225 and 226 instead:
20 printchr$(225.5+rnd(1));:goto10
Mine is a one char/one bit change from the original.
(images are theirs first, mine second)
"80PRINT" variations on 10PRINT
8-Bit Show And Tell's Robin and I distilled my #10PRINT variation down to a ridiculous 62 characters. Any ideas to improve on this?
#Commodore64 #generativeart #C64
#10print #commodore64 #generativeart #c64
A father-son generative art collaboration. Or: how to keep a four-year-old busy flipping a coin while dad draws diagonals. Heads, diagonal to the right. Tails, diagonal to the left. Then we switched.
#generativeart #random #10print
I added some 3D shading to the famous #10print demo for the #c64
It's not an elegant one-liner anymore, but it had to be done 🙂
#10print #c64 #generativeart #basic #commodore64 #retroprogramming
Still playing with Anime Filter. This time with the book 10 PRINT. Little people sitting on the book!
#critcode #animefilter #10print
10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10
#10print #retrocomputing #C64 #Commodore #BASIC https://10print.org
#10print #retrocomputing #c64 #commodore #basic