Ich habe einige Threema-Lizenzen (Android) abzugeben. Bei Interesse einfach melden.
[ENG] I have some Threema licenses (Android) to give away. If you are interested just contact me.
#Boost please!
#10yearsofthreema #threema #boost
#10YearsOfThreema Vor zehn Jahren, am 12.12.2012 feierte Threema sein zehnten Jahrestag. Glückwunsch! 🎉🎉🎉
Und da Threema mich schon seit Jahren begleitet... vergebe ich 100 Threema-Lizenzen 🎉🎉🎉
Vorraussetzung: Ein Kommentar unter diesen Tröt mit den Hinweis, dass ihr eine Lizenz benötigt (und euer Account im Fediverse muss mind. 10 Tage alt sein 😉).
#Boost please!
Congrats to 10 years of secure #messaging, @threemaapp. 🎉🍾 Well done! #10YearsOfThreema #anniversary
#messaging #10yearsofthreema #anniversary
RT @ThreemaApp@twitter.com
Today, we celebrate #10YearsOfThreema with three birthday presents: 🎬 a short film, 📲 a 50% discount, 🔒and our new communication protocol “Ibex.” https://threema.ch/bp/a-decade-of-seriously-secure-messaging
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ThreemaApp/status/1602363532984872960
Today, we celebrate #10YearsOfThreema with three birthday presents: 🎬 a short film, 📲 a 50% discount, 🔒and our new communication protocol “Ibex.” https://threema.ch/bp/a-decade-of-seriously-secure-messaging
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum
10 Jährigen runden Geburtstag.
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
#10yearsofthreema #ThreemaMessenger #threema
Der Messenger meiner Wahl.
threemaapp@mastodon.social - #10YearsOfThreema: Next Monday, Threema turns ten, but you can already get the app at half price today. 🎂🎉 https://threema.ch/download
When updating my apps last night I saw that because of #10YearsOfThreema there's a discount on the app at the moment. Cool 👍
Will get some more license keys for friends 🎁
@threemaapp 🎉 Congratulations
Threema esta a 50% de descuento, que esperas, por un solo pago de $2 puedes iniciar en este mundo de charlar de manera segura. Tenemos un grupo de usuarios de threema en español con quienes hemos formado una interesante comunidad.
@Threwma #Congratulations
RT @threemaapp
#10YearsOfThreema: Next Monday, Threema turns ten, but you can already get the app at half price today. 🎂🎉 https://threema.ch/download
#congratulations #10yearsofthreema
RT @ThreemaApp
#10YearsOfThreema: Next Monday, Threema turns ten, but you can already get the app at half price today. 🎂🎉 https://threema.ch/download
threemaapp@mastodon.social - #10YearsOfThreema: Next Monday, Threema turns ten, but you can already get the app at half price today. 🎂🎉 https://threema.ch/download
RT @ThreemaApp@twitter.com
#10YearsOfThreema: Next Monday, Threema turns ten, but you can already get the app at half price today. 🎂🎉 https://threema.ch/download
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ThreemaApp/status/1601129360802873345
#10YearsOfThreema: Next Monday, Threema turns ten, but you can already get the app at half price today. 🎂🎉 https://threema.ch/download
Looks may change, but security and privacy never go out of fashion. #10YearsOfThreema
#Threema slaví 10. narozeniny a přináší šifrované skupinové videohovory
RT @ThreemaApp@twitter.com
While some are already getting excited for the festive season, we’re getting excited for Threema’s birthday on December 12. #10YearsOfThreema 🎉
Have a read of what happened in the last decade: https://threema.ch/about#story
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ThreemaApp/status/1593520646595788802
While some are already getting excited for the festive season, we’re getting excited for Threema’s birthday on December 12. #10YearsOfThreema 🎉
Have a read of what happened in the last decade: https://threema.ch/about#story
RT @ThreemaApp@twitter.com
While some are already getting excited for the festive season, we’re getting excited for Threema’s birthday on December 12. #10YearsOfThreema 🎉
Have a read of what happened in the last decade: https://threema.ch/about#story
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ThreemaApp/status/1593520646595788802