➡️ On the occasion of #10yearsYPJ a delegation from the Women's Council of the Future #Syria Party visited the Women's Protection Units
🔸 Newroz Ehmed, Rohîlat Afrîn & Nûjîin Dêrik of the #YPJ General Command received the delegation
➡️ When #Turkey attacked Serêkaniyê & Girê Spî in 2019, the General Secretary of their party, Hevrîn Xalaf, was killed by Turkish-backed Islamists Ahrar al-Sharqiya
🔸 Hevrîn was committed to finding a solution for the crisis in #Syria & a relentless fighter for women’s freedom
#10yearsypj #syria #ypj #turkey
RT @sanesgermany
Vor 10 Jahren wurden die Frauenverteigungseinheiten YPJ gegründet. Mit ihrem erfolgreichen Kampf gegen den IS haben sie die Welt zu einem sichereren Ort gemacht. Heute sind sie für Frauen auf der ganzen Welt ein Vorbild.
RT @YPJ_volunteers
✨Today, YPJ Int celebrate 10 years of #YPJ! This has only been made possible by the efforts of Abdullah Ocalan which is the reason that YPJ was founded on his birthday.
We also honor all of our comrades who were martyred in the struggle towards achieving this goal.
🥳 Today, on the birthday of Abdullah Öcalan, we celebrate #10yearsYPJ!
📢 "Today, the slogan #JinJiyanAzadi spread worldwide. We want to fulfill our duties & spread the women’s liberation all over the world. By liberating women we liberate all of society."
📢 "Although having reached great achievements in those 10 years, there are still huge threats. This is why we need to continue our work and become stronger: we promised it to our people and our martyrs."
#10yearsypj #jinjiyanazadi #ypj #SDF
📢 "We celebrate #10yearsYPJ on the birthday of Abdullah Öcalan because we are followers of his philosophy."
📢 "#YPJ is a model & inspiration but is also hope for 7 year old children to 70 year old women who get to know their strength & learn how to defend themselves."
- Rohilat Afrin, #YPJ General Command
🥳 Tomorrow, on Öcalan’s birthday we celebrate #10yearsYPJ!
➡️ 10 years ago, we did the impossible: We created a women’s army in the ♥️ of the #MiddleEast fighting for #womensliberation
🌹On this day we commemorate all our martyrs who gave their lives for freedom
#10yearsypj #MiddleEast #womensliberation #ypj #Rojava