Midweek Eucharist: I am the way, the truth, and the life.
#11thdayofchristmas #weekofholyname #episcopalworship #sjphagerstown #priestlife
Today is the #11thDayofChristmas. Instead of 11 pipers piping, we give you a pipe for the pox 💉! In Feb. 1667 Alice Thornton's eldest child, Nally, fell ill with small pox. Such was the damage to her throat that she 'could not swallow almost anything without a pipe for the small pox & streit [i.e. narrowed] throat' (Bk1). Nally recovers and lives to the age of 67.
#seventeenthcentury #12daysofchristmas #history #histmed #histodon
@histodons @histodon
#11thdayofchristmas #seventeenthcentury #12daysofchristmas #history #histmed #histodon