Pulled my finger out and put a list of what I am listening to on Spotify - last 18 tracks.
Hat tip to @raymondcamden for his #11ty meetup session on how he did it - I just copied! https://youtu.be/-Imj3dRa4Wg?si=Kgeg9jr9HA-9ZTmR
The next #11ty meetup has been scheduled for September 20th!
Ep. 16: WebC - Return of the Components
Is WebC ready for production development? Join us to listen to two perspectives and use cases to help you and your team make that decision!
Whether your need an environment to test components, or you're unsure if how they stack up against web components, you won't want to miss our September meetup!
Messing around with the #socialmedia links on my #11ty website reminded me that I haven't shared [My Custom Arcade Build](https://edward.delaporte.us/arcade/) here on #Mastodon yet.
If you decide to build your own machine, please feel free to ask me questions. It's such a fun project.
Messing around with the #socialmedia links on my #11ty website reminded me that I haven't shared [My Custom Arcade Build](https://edward.delaporte.us/arcade/) here on #Mastodon yet.
If you decide to build your own machine, please feel free to ask me questions. It's such a fun project.
@Gurpreet @zachleat As much as I like #astro it worries me that they might have the same outcome as #gatsby if / when they get acquired. At least with @eleventy I understand the funding and I trust that @zachleat is committed to #11ty for the foreseeable future. It’s still a risk but a risk I am more comfortable with.
Worked on getting #CloudCannon integrated with my #11ty website and wrote up some quick findings on the setup and configuration. Brings a new #cms for some static site generators. Looking forward to using this more.
#100DaysToOffload post 42!
#100DaysToOffload #cms #11ty #cloudcannon
Hey #11ty and #cloudcannon ! How do you unlist your data config file in cloud cannon? I've used the '_unlisted: true' in a few places and I can still see the data.json file for the collection config.
I did it!
@Codeberg hosting of my #eleventy #11ty blog :) Yay XD
Hey, people who use #11ty to publish #webmentions: how are you sending webmentions when you create a new post on your site?
It looks like brid.gy can do it: https://brid.gy/about#publish
...and there's also this GitHub action: https://github.com/marketplace/actions/any-feed-to-mastodon
Any preferences?
I came across https://frontmatter.codes last week - it is a Visual Studio Code extension and I am trying it out! #11ty
🎥 New video:
From Zero to CMS in 2 Minutes with CloudCannon and @eleventy
I like better and faster internet but these days people are just running behind modern frameworks and libraries even when they don't need them.
I built my entire blog using #11ty in #markdown and I proudly say my site works quite fast, even in slower internet areas.
#11ty #markdown #sustainableTech
Does anyone have #Eleventy #11ty site that does any of the following during build process:
(1) creates and populates collections based on data fetched from external API,
(2) creates parent-child relationship between two collections (e.g. category/sub-category/collection-item)?
Can I read the source code?
I have a vague idea how to approach it myself but I'd love to learn if there's a better way.
#11ty is such a pleasure to work with. I used it to consume content from #Sitecore Content Hub ONE (headless CMS) in my recent presentation at #SUGCON2023 India. Here's the code https://github.com/adeneys/EdgeEleventyPresenter
Hab meinen "Alle Gipfel des bayerischen Waldes laufen"-Projekt jetzt eine eigene Seite auf meinem Blog spendiert. Und mittels R eine eigene Fortschrittskarte gebastelt. Schaut doch mal vorbei 😆🫶🏼 Feedback always welcome.
#mastodonlauftreff #trailrunning #coding #11ty #r
If you don’t have an eye for design, and not written a single line of CSS for like a decade, but have a fairly good understanding of programming logic, how easy is it to turn a template from #TailwindUI (or whatever you suggest for great, premade layouts) and build a personal blogish site using #11ty? Handlebars/Nunjucks doesn’t seem to difficult to get?