The VK3CV radio is very nice.
Milliwatts of power on #122GHz, and decently affordable.
And there is a dual band 122GHz+134GHz model in the works.
That said, I would not call it a transverter like some folks do, as being based on a radar chipset means there is no TX mixer, just direct transmission from the VCO.
So FM, FSK-CW and similar FSK modes are possible. But no SSB.
Here's the other side, let's see what mastodons cropping algo likes about it if I don't crop it beforehand like I did the first one.
This one shows the Narda made microwave isolator. #isolator.
11 - 18GHz is a tad useless for most ham radio use. But here it is perfect, as we want to multiply to #122GHz hamband and our generator covers 2 - 20GHz.
A simple and cheerful multiplier a friend made from some #surplus #microwave link board for testing my #122GHz #ham rig.
If we don't tell the ~12Ghz diode that it's generating harmonics on #mmW maybe it will work.
#mmw #ham #122ghz #microwave #surplus