seanpm2001 🇺🇦️ · @seanpm2001
5 followers · 62 posts · Server

Project of the day (day 9) 2023, Thursday, August 31st


uOffice (ultimate Office) is an . It was originally my first piece of proprietary software, which quickly went open source (it was never released as closed source luckily) it is an office suite that focuses on high , high (compatibility with as many formats and systems as possible) high speeds, and design.

It supports an office format known as which supports documents up to 16 exbibytes (2^60 bytes) in size. This was made to address my problems with the 512 megabyte limit in the format, and to scale the technology towards the far future.

The software is , but can run on machines.

It is written in . It was originally written in and where legacy use still remains. It is a highly project.

#uoffice #opensource #office #suite #customization #compatibility #skeuomorphic #experimental #udoc #odt #128bit #64bit #python #java #vbscript #incomplete

Last updated 1 year ago

seanpm2001 🇺🇦️ · @seanpm2001
5 followers · 58 posts · Server

Project of the day (day 8) 2023, Wednesday, August 30th


UCALC is one of my first projects, and is one of my most developed software pieces. It is functional, but currently only works via command line, and is missing a lot of planned features. It is a highly advanced , with dozens of modes, and support for very complex jobs, such as beyond the computers type (eg: it can do and higher calculations on a machine)

Recently, I learned about the new terms Ronnabyte and Quettabyte (along with the smaller units deca (10) and hecto (100) which I didn't add in originally) and I am hoping to update the calculator (and 2 other projects) to include these new units in the near future.

UCALC was originally tested on 10, but can work on any computer that has a functional Python interpreter. I hope to make it more functional, and eventually add a functional GUI.

#ucalc #python #calculator #mathematical #calculation #processor #128bit #64bit #windows

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1319 followers · 91237 posts · Server

@ariadne I hope will fix that...

#riscv #128bit

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1067 followers · 67020 posts · Server

@b0rk Personally, I want a native architecture that doesn't do anything but 128bit...


Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
469 followers · 13533 posts · Server

@eniko There is no , it's not even specified.

AFAIK only has an for 128bit and even that is still in and not finalized with 0 's produced that implement it.

#asic #draft #isa #riscv #cpu #ix86 #128bit

Last updated 2 years ago