For the final installment of our series on 1290 Weber Street, Steve Gorman reviews the home's full and rich history from its first owner in 1893. The current residents share their experience with the restoration of the beautiful old house, and we close this storybook chapter – for now.
#Alameda #LynnHodges #TerryHodges #TomRissacher #1290WeberStreet #SophieM.Koppitz #WilliamLeviston #AlamedaTreasures #WilliamF.Chipman #WilliamW.Chipman #PeterChristiansen
#alameda #lynnhodges #terryhodges #tomrissacher #1290weberstreet #sophiem #williamleviston #alamedatreasures #williamf #williamw #peterchristiansen
In 1851, William W. Chipman purchased a parcel of land in that would later become the City of Alameda. 110 years later, his granddaughter Carol Heche would make a bold land claim based on an 1820 land grant from the King of Spain. Steve Gorman details the court proceedings and fate of the land.
#Alameda #GoldCoast #SouthShore #AlamedaPoint #BerniceChipman #1290WeberStreet #ElinorEPeterson #AlamedaTreasures #UtahConstruction #WilliamF.Chipman #WilliamW.Chipman
#alameda #goldcoast #southshore #alamedapoint #bernicechipman #1290weberstreet #elinorepeterson #alamedatreasures #utahconstruction #williamf #williamw
1290 Weber St. bid farewell to William F. Chipman after his first marriage ended in scandal. Steve Gorman explores William's second marriage, new residence, and real estate business that helped build Alameda as we know it.
#Alameda #SouthShore #WeberStreet #NelsonLansing #CarolineStreet #1270WeberStreet #1290WeberStreet #FlorenceLansing #AlamedaTreasures #WilliamF.Chipman #BerniceGraceHarrell #SouthShoreLandCompany #CarolineElizabethMcLeanChipmanDwinelle
#alameda #southshore #weberstreet #nelsonlansing #carolinestreet #1270weberstreet #1290weberstreet #florencelansing #alamedatreasures #williamf #bernicegraceharrell #southshorelandcompany #carolineelizabethmcleanchipmandwinelle
The beautiful Queen Anne style home at 1290 Weber Street holds a lot of memories and has housed some remarkable people. In 1906, a great scandal surrounding William F. Chipman, the son of an Alameda founder, darkened its doorstep. Steve Gorman has the story.
#Alameda #GoldCoast #WeberStreet #CarolineStreet #JohnW.Dwinelle #1270WeberStreet #1290WeberStreet #SophieM.Koppitz #AlamedaTreasures #WilliamF.Chipman #WilliamW.Chipman #GideonAughinbaugh #GoldCoastArchitecture
#alameda #goldcoast #weberstreet #carolinestreet #johnw #1270weberstreet #1290weberstreet #sophiem #alamedatreasures #williamf #williamw #gideonaughinbaugh #goldcoastarchitecture