So I have picked up and been working on some stuff for #12Games12Months this month.
It's kind of become more of an investigation of #godot4 and it's changes.
Which has led me to look at helping get some of the Demos for Godot updated to run in Version 4 as I figure it will be helpful and also good learning exercise.
But I am happy with where my game is right now, it's atmospheric and has a working monster. So that's nice.
An update on #12Games12Months for January.
I bought Midnight Suns and a 3D printer, this has eaten a load of my time what with Super Hero beat'em ups and painting figures.
I do have a small tabletop puzzle game in development that I just need to sit down and finish, there might be a print an play version done for the end of the month.
I *do* have a plan for something for next month, which will involve me playing with Godot 4 and the new tile map system.
Not doing #dungeon23 or any of it's spin off's as I feel I have enough of a challenge with my personal #12Games12Months challenge.
But it does sound interesting. Meanwhile this months game is progressing, I'm hoping I can get my sleep patterns into some kind of order so I can get a first draft PDF done for testing by end of Sunday.
This gives me a bunch of time to work on playtesting and making a nice print ready pdf OR making a computer version. Still on the fence over which.
Ah Developer art. #12Games12Months starts to take shape.
More soon but here's a small preview.
So in #12Games12Months news I have an idea for January's game. Well I've had a few but last night I had a neat idea for a puzzle game that I might end up making in both digital and PDF print and play formats.
I'm going to noddle about with the design a bit more on my lunch break (back to work today, there's coffee and everything) and see where I can get.
So #12Games12Months month 1 is done... it's not as polished as I'd like, but I've learnt a lot and want to move onto a new project.
Links to Linux and Windows downloads are available on my site as will the rest of the projects.
I'm going to rest up and enjoy new year and think about what I learnt. Have a great new year everyone.
#godot3 #indie #gamedev #12Games12Months
Meanwhile #12Games12Months is actually progressing. I have all the different games modes coded, tomorrow I'm going to work on a bunch of polish including more sound effects and a few other tweaks I want to make.
Getting a sore head now though so I'm signing off for now.
#gamedev #godot3 #12Games12Months
I haven't posted about #12Games12Months for a little while. The Advent of Code (which I've given up on again this year) and heating woes knocked me for a loop.
But I'm back on it, I've got two game modes to finish one of which "Power Ups" is almost done then there's "Pizzazz" (which adds a whole bunch of shaders and particle effects) and a bunch of polishing.
And I've got all next week off work so I feel in a good place to get it finished still.
Ok. #12Games12Months may be falling in Month one. Until the heating is fixed I'm going to be vacating my office in the evenings.
Super Ping is mostly done and we might get the boiler running again before the engineer visits.
In January.
So I've got 4 of the 6 possible upgrades in Super Ping done now with Multibat.
Number 5 is more graphical wizz bangs and then 6 is power ups (which will be a whole new kettle of fish).
Hopefully I'll have them done by the end of next week which gives me two weeks for polishing and QA.
Which is cool.
Oh and there's Christmas too I guess. Really happy with my progress for month 1.
Lunch break update for #12Games12Months I now have a persistent game state.
So that's nice. I think my first goal for tonight is to fix the bouncing as it can be a bit weird.
So #12Games12Months week one is done and Super Ping is definitely shaping up. The core game loop of play a game mode, unlock upgrades is working and if you beat your highest score in a mode you will unlock new modes.
Currently there are 3 upgrades and thus 8 modes (2^3) I plan on adding at least 3 more upgrades (for 64 modes) I may add 4.
There is one last thing I need to do before I consider part 1 complete though which is add the ability to save game state between runs.
Easy enough I hope.
@brindy well this year I am trying something a wee bit insane.
We'll see how it goes ;)
So... I mean I knew #Godot3 could do this but... I'm still kind of shocked.
(YMMV and it's very early days and there's no touchscreen control but... Wow?)
Last night was a bit of a wash out, no planned work on #12Games12Months as I was going to be going to a local games club.
And then I didn't manage to do that because of a car scheduling conflict. So I ended up just feeling a bit down...
Oh well, such is life, tonight I plan on adding high scores to Super Ping (per mode) and then it's time for the ability to unlock modes.
If you are interested in my progress in #12Games12Months the current build for Super Ping is here.
Linux :
Windows :
I've not made a Mac version as I have no way of testing it.
Do not expect wonders, or sound, yet.
So did some more work on Super Ping today for #12Games12Months. It now has an opening screen, and scoring and a loss condition.
By some definitions it's a game. Very very loose definitions but I am pleased with my progress.
More Sets in today's advent of code plus (in my case) all the maps to parse data. What fun.
One of the things I love about #RakuLang is sometime you *can* just add a race into your code it goes faster.
Righto. Going to wake up and then look at some more with #12Games12Months I think it's time for a start screen.
Ok, that's enough coding for a weekend day. I've made progress with the plan.
Next up is scoring if it goals through to opponents goal and losing lives if it goes through yours.
Although you need to unlock lives by scoring points, otherwise you start with 1.
This is the idea, as you score points you unlock game stuff. Some like graphics is just that.
Then when you start a new game you can start in a mode you've unlocked.
That's the idea anyway.
Ok... so now I've been playing with Shaders. This is not the final way this effect is going to work but... it's fun.
#godot3 #godot #12Games12Months