The Universe has been restored to order 😃 I carefully flipped the Deposit switch in my beloved PiDP-8, so it is now operating the same way as a real PDP-8. How I hate cutting PCB traces 😬 but it was for a good cause.
#12bit #retrocomputing #pdp8 #pidp8i
Didn't know that there was a Pascal compiler and runtime for the PDP-8 running OS/8.
Got it working, and it compiles and runs my Mandelbrot program perfectly 😃
#12bit #RetroComputing #pdp8
I ported my Mandelbrot benchmark program written in FORTRAN-80 to my PiDP-8 running OS/8 and FORTRAN IV. That was a challenge, in particular I am not used to handling 6 bit chars packed in a REAL array using A6 format - it took me a while to figure out how CALL CPUT worked 😃
#pdp8 #12bit #RetroComputing #FORTRAN
#pdp8 #12bit #retrocomputing #fortran