Diana Vreeland shot by Louise Dahl-Wolfe at Frank Lloyd Wright’s Paulson House. Swoon. #afewofmyfavoritethings #dianavreeland #12DaysofDiana
#afewofmyfavoritethings #dianavreeland #12daysofdiana
The photos in this video are David Bailey’s photos of Jean Shrimpton in New York (hoping I didn’t include some from London.) But this is one of my favorite series of photos. So simple. So real. So stylish. #rarities #simplicity #davidbailey #12daysofdiana #dianavreeland
#rarities #simplicity #davidbailey #12daysofdiana #dianavreeland
I love this clip of Richard Avedon describing the prep he received for a photoshoot in Egypt from Diana Vreeland (clip is from The Eye Has To Travel). #12DaysofDiana
And in the #12DaysofDiana theme: as DV once said: it’s not about the dress, it’s the life you are living in the dress. #dianavreeland #dvquotes
RT @senzatempostyle@twitter.com
In the spirit of @AjaSaysHello@twitter.com post about the joys of #secondhand clothing — if you can ever find a Forstman wool coat (found this one on eBay for less than $150 - which is so cheap given the quality of the wool it’s a crime.) This coat dates to the 1950s based on the label…
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/senzatempostyle/status/1602688567733780480
#12daysofdiana #dianavreeland #dvquotes #secondhand
The #12DaysofDiana going on over on Insta. I love DVs quips - but the way she described color in particular red is just 🤌
Diana Vreeland is one of the best examples of how #experienceoverthings helps develop your personal style & taste. We all have ultimately benefited incredible & unique life which was as varied as riding horses with Buffalo Bill & attending Kkng George’s coronation. #12DaysofDiana
#experienceoverthings #12daysofdiana
This circle of influence Re #dianavreeland is incredible (second photo is the book where you can find it). #fashionhistory #12daysofdiana
#dianavreeland #fashionhistory #12daysofdiana
It’s almost that time of year. The most wonderful time of the year ✨Time to celebrate the empress of fashion #dianavreeland ✨#12daysofdiana