12 Corps Of Christmas – 2012 Cadets
I was going to save this one for last. I mean, you can't get more Christmas-y than doing a show completely composed of Christmas music with the name "12.25", right? My plans changed when the Cadets dropped the entire 2012 show on their YouTube channel ON CHRISTM
#12DaysOfDrumCorps #12CorpsOfChristmas #12CorpsOfChristmas-2012Cadets #2012 #Cadets #DCI #drumcorps #DrumCorpsInternational
#12daysofdrumcorps #12corpsofchristmas #cadets #DCI #DrumCorps #drumcorpsinternational
12 Days Of Drum Corps – 1987 Phantom Regiment
1986 was a tough year for the Phantom Regiment. After a string of successful seasons, including multiple title contention years, the corps found itself in 10th place with an “old school” show that, while popular
#12DaysOfDrumCorps #12DaysOfDrumCorps #12DaysOfDrumCorps-1987PhantomRegiment #1987 #DCI #drumcorps #DrumCorpsInternational #MarchingArts #PhantomRegiment
#12daysofdrumcorps #DCI #DrumCorps #drumcorpsinternational #marchingarts #phantomregiment