TIL #12ft
I tried it with a couple of paywalled articles and it did NOT work for either. YMMV
Is there no alternative to #12ft ? most of US news sources are blocked on it. #askfedi @mastodonindians
In case anyone from #Seattle sees this, one of their new opinion writers is embarrassing themselves online (over a really unoriginal opinion piece IMO) and saying really eye arching things out loud 🤨
So here is a quick reminder that you can easily use 12ft.io to read the Seattle Times for free and not pay a cent for a subscription.
Because despite some good reporting, the SeaTimes is force for ill in the city of Seattle
#paywall #12ft #seattletimes #seattle
#CNN CEO #ChrisLicht is fired after an embarassing #Atlantic article came out which barely anybody read because none of us pay for the #Atlantic and we're too lazy to use #12ft (and by "we" I mean "I")
#cnn #chrislicht #atlantic #12ft
@schenklklopfer I would like to know why #12ft has been disabled for #NYTimes. Were they bullied by lawyers? If yes, on what basis? #askFedi #paywall #GoogleCache #law
#12ft #nytimes #askfedi #paywall #googlecache #law
@sushubh How did you get past that #paywall? I tried #12ft and it says 12ft is disabled for this site: https://12ft.io/proxy?&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nytimes.com%2F2023%2F05%2F01%2Fbusiness%2Ffirst-republic-bank-jpmorgan.html
@mxtthxw I love how 12ft.io exploits the fact that #paywalls show full open versions of their content to #Google’s crawler. The paywalls want to be found in searches so they can effectively get their subscription ads into Google search results. 12ft.io elegantly uses their own abusive tricks against them. I wonder if #12ft.io can also be used when a non-paywall blocks Tor access.
I love how 12ft.io exploits the fact that #paywalls show full open versions of their content to #Google’s crawler. The paywalls want to be found in searches so they can effectively get their subscription ads into Google search results. 12ft.io elegantly uses their own abusive tricks against them. I wonder if #12ft.io can also be used when a non-paywall blocks Tor access.
#ZeitOnline scheint ihre #Paywall umstrukturiert zu haben. #12ft ladder ist nun gegenüber dieser beliebten Quelle ko.
Von nun an kostet guter Journalismus wieder was.
Mann muss zwischen den "hartnäckigen #Cookiebanner - gib deine Daten oder zahl 3EUR/mtl" zB Golem und den Premium Inhalten wie zB Welt+ unterscheiden. #12ft.io entfernt bei mir viele dieser nervigen Cookiebanner.
Die Anbieter sollen Geld verdienen jedoch nicht auf kosten meiner #Privatsphäre. In Zeitungen/Zeitschriften erhält der Käufer A ja auch keine anderen Werbung als Käufer B.
Ich bin fein mit
Content statt User bezogene Werbung!
#privatsphäre #12ft #cookiebanner
Leider hinter der #paywall, wo auch #12ft nicht helfen kann...
Inhaltlich aber eine tolle und wichtige Sache.
#Zeitzeugen-Projekt Schüler auf den Spuren der Bergheimer #Juden
#paywall #12ft #Zeitzeugen #Juden
Shame, [HN] outline.com seems to be offline
(And no, #12ft isn't quite a viable alternative, at least not on its own, as Outline also heavily cleaned up the formatting of sites.)