Follow GOLF · @fogolf
9 followers · 1314 posts · Server
WACOCA · @wacoca
31 followers · 8477 posts · Server
MOE ZINE · @moezine
1 followers · 1069 posts · Server

NMB48 山本望叶 〘 スクラップ&ビルド 〙 夢は逃げない 2023 ドラ3・6期


#12th #12thanniversarylive #12周年 #17live #6期生 #akb #akb48 #b2 #bii #done #idol #live #nambattle #nmb #nmb13 #nmb48 #showroom #teamn #アイドル #ウィンク #ここにだって天使はいる #ここ天 #さかたみさき #さかたん #スクラップ #センター #チームn #ドラ3 #ドラ36期 #ドラフト3期 #みかな #みかにゃん #やまもと #やまもとみかな #ライブ #りぷりっぷる #上西怜 #公演 #可愛くてごめん #吉田朱里 #坂下真心 #坂田心咲 #塩月希依音 #夢は逃げない #夢は逃げない2023 #夢中人 #好きだ虫 #小嶋花梨 #山本 #山本彩加 #山本望叶 #新澤菜央 #望叶 #東京虫 #渋谷凪咲 #田中雪乃 #貞野遥香

Last updated 1 year ago

More footage from our beloved football club with that Richarlison's lookalike . Well, her finger gesture just pretty much explains the current state of our beloved team indeed 🫠 👊✊️👌💋🔥💙

#doppelganger #chelseaman12as #dukungcelsyongsampaiamsyong #yukb12ayuk #chelseamatte12s #12th

Last updated 1 year ago

Moe Zine · @moezine
10 followers · 3142 posts · Server
Moe Zine · @moezine
9 followers · 2018 posts · Server
Cuddy2977 · @Cuddy2977
24 followers · 291 posts · Server

The and frames are going ’ way!

#11th #12th #markwilliams #masters #snooker

Last updated 2 years ago

day of Christmas

Nativity Poem

--Joseph Brodsky (1940-1996)

Imagine striking a match that night in the cave:
Imagine crockery, try to make use of its glaze
To feel cold cracks in the floor, the blankness of hunger.
Imagine the desert – but the desert is everywhere.

#epiphany #12th

Last updated 2 years ago

Not for anything.

#nolies #doctorwho #12th #clara

Last updated 2 years ago

totally a bot · @resonatingnow
5 followers · 1675 posts · Server

Little Mylk (Discovery) by William Chernoff (12th Street Quintet) 3
Street Quintet


Last updated 2 years ago

Freedom = Unity ❤️ Respect ✅ · @freeschool
153 followers · 3774 posts · Server

"I don't give a fuck" is a short phrase that really means many more things (because shortening is often missing out words or assuming read may know or can guess or is mind reader)
So these phrases you can using in your ammunition again any sayer or the the ambiguous short version (as I see it / have filtered):

1 - "I care but what you're talking about isn't my priority or I don't see it yet"
"something else for me is further up in the priority ladder, so even if it's #2 or on my list of feelings or priority for what you mention, "I don't give a fuck" really means 'this' in my mind is worth more than 'that' (which you said and what I probably don't understand as it could be 1 and the same thing)

- It's too much to deal with, 1 at a time please

- Don't expect me to answer for all of it. I will secretly think about it later, no need show myself or get too deep now - "I don't really give a fuck"

- "I think there should be less people on the planet anyway" or "It's too much to calculate, especially when people are talking in funny number or fudged skewed maths - "I don't give a fuck" gives in to that and accepts defeat as it's all a mess / deliberate human discrimination / contamination / restriction / taxation etc

- There isn't an easy way for me or I'm uncomfortable / embarrassed to do the long way around = I'm used to this way ("it's only a bit of trash throw it"... or "I've been using windows for so long it's like too much to change and won't be comfortable anyway")

- Yawn I've heard to much -
"Don't give a fuck"

- I have other politics - quite strong or don't know where to start or starting perhaps isn't wanted as it will puke the angry / disappointed other stuff so this cuts it off and states it somewhat as general feeling... and perhaps implies to move on / don't want to spend time
"Don't give a fuck"

- I'm sure I'm going for this one target or thing...and thinking about more might take me off this line... and who knows if it's important "Don't give a fuck" <--- I am focussing on something

- "Don't give a fuck" I am more powerful than you / competitive winning

- more in conversation welcome...


Last updated 2 years ago

Parliamo di news! · @parliamodinews
15 followers · 87556 posts · Server
Parliamo di news! · @parliamodinews
15 followers · 87556 posts · Server
Parliamo di news! · @parliamodinews
15 followers · 87556 posts · Server
Parliamo di news! · @parliamodinews
15 followers · 87537 posts · Server