adafruit · @adafruit
4594 followers · 680 posts · Server

our last test is always to plug in our 2.8" captouch TFT shield because it tests both SPI and I2C. this passes and since all the GPIO are accounted for, we just have to wrap up the silk and it's off to fabrication!

#adafruit #arduino #opensource #opensourcehardware #rp2040 #prototypetesting #arduinodesign #developmentboards #microsd #spi #SDIO #swddebug #stemmaqt #12vdc #shieldtesting #fabricationprocess

Last updated 1 year ago

theepdinker :mastoalt: · @theepdinker
38 followers · 482 posts · Server

Over the holidays one of my projects was to reboot my little library. We are in a rural area with low book turn-over (about 1 per week) and a cool, wet climate, so the books can get musty. I added 12 VDC lighting and heating. I also added food-grade desiccant to reduce humidity.

A notice on the door reads “12 VDC lighting provides gentle heating to reduce humidity for better condition books”.

#12vdc #littlelibrary #Books

Last updated 4 years ago