
That Coffee Creek keeps having these issues abs the DA's office keeps acting shocked is the dumbest bullshit. They know women are being assaulted, and they literally don't care. The opinion is that is just prison which says a whole lot about the institution as a whole.

#acab #1312always #orpol #prisonindustrialcomplex

Last updated 1 year ago

benda · @benda
179 followers · 2380 posts · Server kolektiva.social

@Galletasalada @DetritusBooks @OCRbot they're gonna have to arrest at least 40 more of us.

#acab #1312always

Last updated 1 year ago


It's not shocking at all. The PNW is definitely covertly racist especially under the guise of enlightened liberalism. Racism in say the Southwest or the South is so much more open and in your face. Here? It is very subtle and presented in some innocent naivety to blunt the obvious aggression of it.

#pnw #orpol #racism #acab #1312always

Last updated 1 year ago


I'm glad this is finally being resolved, but there no compensation, of course, for the victims. Also, the pigs squealing about it not being fair is predictable.

#acab #1312always #orpol #jail #prisoners #humanrights

Last updated 1 year ago


Unsurprising but disturbing. I wonder if this will change the papers' willingness to work with the police. Though I will say there is no older friendship than cops and the petit-bourgeoise.

#acab #1312always #1stamendment #pigsandsmallbusinessowners #burndownyourlocalbusiness

Last updated 1 year ago


The absolute shrugging of this article is wild. Suicides in jail are on a native upswing in the PNW, with half of them being suicides. The solution? The cops got this. Fucking wild logic.

#acab #1312always #orpol #wapol #pnw #Goldbricking

Last updated 1 year ago


This is why juries don't mean shit. The poor cop was so afraid for his life that within a 24-second span, he hit the man with a flashlight over 19 times while the victim screamed, "I'm not resisting!" Truly a dangerous profession for everyone that encounters these jackbooted Neanderthals.

#acab #1312always #LAPol #deepsouth #juriesarebullshit #nullification #racism #thegestapo

Last updated 1 year ago

This is going to be some old man shaking his fist at clouds shit but I figure I can throw it out there just for my own sake.

This year has been an absolute shitshow and just gone from one crisis to another. I had a nasty breakup with my ex-gf, which led to me having to take my kid and crashing at my ex-wife's place because it reached such absurd abuse levels. Then that breakup got stretched to just recently when they finally got the last of their stuff I held on to, even though I should have chucked it.

Then a new relationship that absolutely blew up in my face as the person decided remaining in an abusive relationship with someone else was the right call which is heart wrenching to watch them suffer but they are dead set they can change that person.

Then, just recently, my ex-wife had a complete mental breakdown and ran off with our kid. Police and mental health services couldn't give a flying fuck. So I had to try and track her down even though she had tossed all of her electronics and was hiding. Thankfully, it resolved with everyone safe and sound and her getting the help she needs. I'm glad I was able to find them before any harm happened, but the powerlessness and the lack of caring by anyone was disheartening.

So is this year could kindly fuck off and lay off me that would be great. I don't think my mental health can keep taking one goddamn crisis after another. I am spent. Sorry if this is rambling I just wanted to rant.

#mentalhealth #acab #1312always #PNWlife #tired #Goldbricking

Last updated 1 year ago


This is so typical of the justice system in Oregon. If the police do their jobs then the DA doesn't. If the DA does its job then the police don't and they all sit and blame the other. Then they gather together to praise the Feds for doing their job for them. All while keeping a rapist employed with access to victims.

#AbolishPrison #acab #1312always #oregonpol #pnw #Goldbricking

Last updated 2 years ago


This is peak Portland Liberalism. Black Bloc and Proud Boys are the same under this proposed legislation. That means just being in a black bloc is an automatic felony if this passes. Absolutely absurd. The supporters of the bill? Every law enforcement agency in the state.

#oregonpol #pnw #fuckliberals #fuckprogressives #acab #1312always #Goldbricking

Last updated 2 years ago


Wheeler looking to employ a California company, with multiple Civil Rights lawsuits, to operate Portland Homeless Concentration Camps. This is very on brand. Guess it makes it easier for the Nazis at PPB to find their victims.

#acab #1312always #portlandor #pnw #fuckwheeler #Goldbricking

Last updated 2 years ago

#acab #1312always

Last updated 2 years ago