So for those asking, the #1440kB #Floppy Version of OS/1337 will be a better #Floppinux with #Ethernet & #Network support and packing in #Dropbear as #SSH client.
So you could at the very least use it as a #SSH #Terminal #distro...
Sadly this means it will require at least an #i686 and won't run on an #i486 anymore as a lot of memory was eaten up by #486SX woraround code in the kernel...
#Development #Linux #os1337 #486SX #i486 #i686 #distro #Terminal #ssh #dropbear #network #ethernet #floppinux #floppy #1440kb
#Linux 6.4.12 (with networking support!) + #toybox 0.8.10 in 980k using #musl-cross-i686
This is awesome...
Seems like I can fit #dropbear as #SSH client on the 3,5" #1440kB #Floppy as well...
I guess it would've been possible to make #Floppinux for a #720k #Floppy as well... ?
#OS1337 #development
#Development #os1337 #720k #floppinux #floppy #1440kb #ssh #dropbear #musl #toybox #Linux
@vwbusguy @benjamineskola @josephholsten @fuchsiii personally, I've also had some use time with #ash on #Busybox but that's just because I have on occasions dealt with #embedded devices and have a copy of #Floppinux.
And yes, I'm still intrigued on the idea of a #1440kB distro that one can blindly autoboot into and that automatically opens up #SSH to allow for remote login if not automatically opens it's own SSH tunnel.
Kinda like #XeLL...
#xell #ssh #1440kb #floppinux #Embedded #busybox #ash