More #DebtCeiling realism.
Seriously, it's time to get off our collective butts and call our members of Congress to let them know you do not support the #GOP holding the #UnitedStates economy hostage!
#14thAmendmentNOW #worldeconomy #debtcrisis #unitedstates #gop #debtceiling
The #GQP shows us their plan. They want to destroy the economy to regain power! Is this what you want?
Call your representatives in Congress (202) 224-3121
#PresidentBiden do not negotiate with terrorists!
#DebtLimit #debtcrisis #14thAmendmentNOW #PresidentBiden #GQP
Guess people don't believe the #GQP tactics on the debt ceiling won't have an impact on their lives??
That's exactly what the Germans thought in 1933!
#14thAmendmentNOW #DebtLimit #debtcrisis #GQP
The constant capitulation and ring kissing by the #Democrats during the #DebtCeilingCrisis is beyond my belief! These are bills that are authorized for payment and are not tied to the budget! Stop negotiating with terrorists!
#PresidentBiden invoke the #14thAmendmentNOW and tell those #GQP fascists to take a hike!
#debtcrisis #USpol #uspolitics #GQP #14thAmendmentNOW #PresidentBiden #debtceilingcrisis #democrats
If true, "41% of #Democrats believe #POTUS should negotiate with the #GQP on the debt ceiling" I'm gonna need more information here. Who on the #Fediverse believes Democrats should negotiate with the republican TERRORISTS??
President Biden, evoke the #14thAmendmentNOW
Here's 5.22.2023 #KeithOlbermann #Podcast the A-block discusses the issues and the #14thAmmendment
#USpol #uspolitics #14thammendment #Podcast #keitholbermann #14thAmendmentNOW #Fediverse #GQP #potus #democrats
Pact for 2024:
If radical terrorists of @GOP #MAGA #KKK & #IllegitimateSCOTUS crash our IMPROVING economy by refusing to pay our debts after Biden invokes #14thAmendmentNow & he will, I vow:
1 - NEVER to blame Pres. Biden for GOP act of terrorism
2 - NEVER to vote GOP again!
#maga #kkk #illegitimatescotus #14thAmendmentNOW
#14thAmendmentNow! Let @GOP sue Biden to "allow the world economy to be trashed." It will end up before #IllegitimateSCOTUS...Do they really want to render a decision that would then crash the world economy? Not if Harlan Crow wants to keep his profits rolling in!
#14thAmendmentNOW #illegitimatescotus
There can be NO bipartisanship with @GOP terrorists!