Joseph Elfelt · @mappingsupport
536 followers · 474 posts · Server

Lawsuit seeks to keep Trump off the New Hampshire ballot

Lawsuits says Trump gave "aid or comfort" to Jan 6 insurrections and is therefore barred from office per .


News story - no paywall

#14thamendmentsection3 #14thamendmentsec3 #14thamendmentlawsuit

Last updated 1 year ago

Joseph Elfelt · @mappingsupport
507 followers · 437 posts · Server

Odds are increasing that a jury will decide if Trump gave β€œaid or comfort” to Jan 6 insurrections. If so, he is barred from office per .

Attorney John A. Castro is the plaintiff. Florida judge Cannon dismissed the case for lack of standing. Castro appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. Trump filed a β€œwaiver” of his right to reply to this appeal!!!

🀞 Hoping case is remanded for trial on the merits. .

#14thamendmentsection3 #14thamendmentsec3 #14thamendmentlawsuit

Last updated 1 year ago

Mike Reader · @mreader
151 followers · 723 posts · Server

Florida is not lost forever.

Someday, we'll take back Mar-A-Lago from the Russians.


Florida lawyer files challenge to disqualify Trump from 2024 race, citing 14th Amendment

β€œThe law is the law. We’ll see whether or not the judges have the guts to follow the law.” - Lawrence Caplan

#democrats #republicans #gop #fascism #coupattempt #insurrection #JAN6 #trumpisnotavictim #politics #disqualifytrump #democracy #14thamendment #14thamendmentsection3 #constitution

Last updated 1 year ago

MissPriss · @MissPriss
10 followers · 370 posts · Server

Dear Governor Inslee,

You have never been afraid to help Washington State do the right thing. You have the ability to make a lasting impact as you retire from your office: Support the Tribe/Luddig interpretation of the 14th Amendment and deny Donald Trump access to Washington voters. Do it now. Let it start its way through the courts. His time has passed.

A voter.

#washington #inslee #14thamendmentsection3

Last updated 1 year ago

Preston MacDougall · @ChemicalEyeGuy
176 followers · 4601 posts · Server

@SpiderMan @TonyStark Add to it devastating "political bankruptcy". The "party" of is done β€” that's why they've chosen subversion & insurrection, naturally forfeiting any entitlement to participate in any elections for public office.

#electoralfraud #ruleoflaw #DefendAmerica #defenddemocracy #defendtheconstitution #banthegop #insurrection #overthrow #18uscsection2383 #14thamendmentsection3

Last updated 1 year ago

@BlackAzizAnansi Right. DeSantis & his like-minded zombies appear to be staging a comeback of the (defeated) Confederacy.

#14thamendmentsection3 #rebellion #insurrection #overthrow #banthegop #treasonincorporated

Last updated 1 year ago

@TonyStark It's rather obvious that DeSantis β€” like his rebellious soulmates in Congress β€” is in fact neither "Republican" nor a "conservative", but evidently an aggressively regressive, peering hard at the con-ditions of totalitarian, racist, escapist (,defeated) Confederate rulership.
As such he shouldn't be allowed to hold public office =>

#14thamendmentsection3 #defenddemocracy #defensivedemocracy #insurrection #rebellion #reconstructionamendments #democracy #immigrantnation #incitement #desantis #xenophoblicans #unelectablegop #removeron #electoralfraud #votersuppression #gerrymandering

Last updated 1 year ago

@TonyStark It's useful to know, that SCOTUS confirmed for the first time in Gitlow v. New York, that "Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom... of the press..." also applies to states, through the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment β€” which today's rebel "Republicans" would certainly love to see repealed.
So when DeSantis wants to gag the free press, SCOTUS should tell him to FO.

#ruleoflaw #freepress #freespeech #firstamendment #14thamendment #dueprocess #14thamendmentsection3 #desantis #deinsanitis #insurrection #rebellion #removeron

Last updated 1 year ago

Rebellious individuals like Greg Abbott, disrupting & obstructing the peaceful & just coexistence of Americans, shouldn't hold any public office & be disqualified from ever running for office again.

Black & Latino Americans condemn Abbott's willful obstruction of anti-discriminatory measures.

#ruleoflaw #dei #DiversityEquityInclusion #14thamendmentsection3 #insurrection #racism #discrimination #disqualifyallrebels #disqualifyabbott

Last updated 1 year ago

@DemocracyMatters None of Con DeSantis's business.

Soviet communist Eastern Bloc also terrorized the people by means of inflated snitch apparatuses.

#defenddemocracy #privacy #14thamendment #14thamendmentsection3 #removeron #condesantis #insurrection

Last updated 2 years ago

@philip_cardella Agree. However, no one except the suspected criminals can be happy with the judicial process taking so much time, which contributes to strengthen the perception, that what the suspects did was anyhow normal, acceptable & legal, at the same time weakening the authority of the Rule of Law - a development certainly warmly welcomed by Trump & his co-conspirators.
I would dare to say, it even helped most of his congressional accessories to get (unjustifiably) reelected.
In addition to it, they are using the time off from accountability to further undermine & damage the authority of the United States, democracy & the Rule of Law => Imminent Danger (not only) since
Jan 6, 2021.


#ruleoflaw #JusticeMatters #disqualifyallrebels #14thamendmentsection3 #18uscsection2383

Last updated 2 years ago

Preston MacDougall · @ChemicalEyeGuy
176 followers · 4601 posts · Server
Arena Cops · @ArenaCops
82 followers · 962 posts · Server

What are the words of an obsessive record liar worth, who lied jaw-dropping 503 times within 24 hrs one day before the 2020 election, and who now calls on House "Republicans" to make McCarthy Speaker of the chamber?
I can't help thinking the crazy compromised MAGA loons (like alleged sex trafficker Gaetz) are committed to making the inciter of Jan 6 & thief of federal classified property himself Speaker of the House, so he could try to initiate sham impeachments of President Biden & VP Harris, so he can crown himself king, to go on evading the laws & justice again.
He'd probably like that, however, β…” majorities for such a sham process appear pretty unlikely.
And also, like Liz Cheney impressively emphasized, while the Jan 6 committee was still investigating:
Trump should never again be able to hold any public office under the United States!

Where's the DOJ when the United States need it most?

#ruleoflaw #accountabilitymatters #JusticeMatters #coupdetat #overthrow #insurrection #arresttrump #enemyofthestate #careercriminal #14thamendmentsection3

Last updated 2 years ago

Arena Cops · @ArenaCops
34 followers · 329 posts · Server

@allthebrazilianpolitics All the world's wannabe-dictators & their supporters watched very closely, what Trump & his co-conspirators did to America & how the principle of accountability was replaced by the rule of royal impunity for capital crimes committed by leading career criminals injected into highest public offices!

#ruleoflaw #accountabilitynow #insurrection #overthrow #espionage #treason #indictallrebels #14thamendmentsection3 #disqualifyallrebels #politics #defenddemocracy #democracy

Last updated 2 years ago

Arena Cops · @ArenaCops
34 followers · 329 posts · Server

@marcelias When even Trump's campaign team told him about his poor to non-existent victory chances, he went on his own war campaign to evade justice & accountability, to continue to be protected by his compromised AG enforcing the DOJ's non-prosecutability & -indictability opinion, gathering his militant footsoldiers to exert - if needed violent- pressure on Congress & VP.

He did it all for his own impunity & immunity, all against accountability, justice & the laws.
Like career criminals usually do!
And it's utterly doubtful that congressional "Republicans" were simply naive about his background back in 2015, when they decided to crown him king of the "GOP".
May he never again hold any public office under the United States, potentially capable to harm the U.S. & the world again!

#ruleoflaw #accountabilitymatters #14thamendmentsection3 #18uscsection2383

Last updated 2 years ago

Scenario · @scenario
184 followers · 812 posts · Server

@RedTRaccoon You can thank Pelosi and Schumer for this. was never invoked.


Last updated 2 years ago

Scenario · @scenario
179 followers · 774 posts · Server

The House has only days left to hold a simple majority vote on invoking against Trump. They’ve already proven Trump participated in insurrection, and a criminal conviction is not required to prevent him from being certified for public office in the future.


Last updated 2 years ago