RT @LostDiva@twitter.com
Amy, you're polling at 0% among PEOPLE OF COLOR. That's WORSE THAN PETE BUTTIGIEG who's POLLING AT 2% among ALL PEOPLE of Color. ALL PEOPLE OF COLOR.
We Don't Have Time For Amy And Pete To Get Up 2 Speed!
#demdebate #15hr #daca #MedicareForAll #BernieSanders #registertovote
RT @LostDiva@twitter.com
I got mail from President Obama asking me to donate to the @DNC@twitter.com #DNCUnityFund. I don't think so😡 There is no Unity on the DNC Nomination Committee. 75% Lobbyists 24% Establishment 1% Bernie. That's not UNITY! Try again.
#15hr #CaucusWithBernie #Bernie2020 #registertovote #DNCUnityFund
RT @LostDiva@twitter.com
.Pete Buttigieg Joe Biden Elizabeth Warren COMBINED can't even pull off a rally of this size. The People Say Get Us #MedicareForAll #GreenNewDeal #BanPrivatePrisons #DACA #15hr #EndCashBail #CancelStudentDebt #LegalWeed DONE RIGHT! #PostalBanking
#RegisterToVote #CaucusWith https://twitter.com/DoxsieKatrina/status/1208527986422616064
#CaucusWith #registertovote #postalbanking #legalweed #cancelstudentdebt #endcashbail #15hr #daca #banprivateprisons #greennewdeal #MedicareForAll