SF showing the way: #walkablecities #TransitOnlyLane #PedestrianDistrict #15MinuteNeighbourhoods #ParkingRemoval
#walkablecities #transitonlylane #pedestriandistrict #15minuteneighbourhoods #parkingremoval #pricedparking
#BiodiversityCrisis: As #humans continue to #encroach on #wilderness lands like those near Lake Tahoe, incidents of #wildlife being injured or #killed by #vehicles have increased.
#DesertificationSpecies #RoadlessRule #RemoveRoads #RoadsKill #micromobility #15MinuteNeighbourhoods #bioswale #BeaverBeliever
#BiodiversityCrisis #humans #encroach #wilderness #wildlife #killed #vehicles #desertificationspecies #roadlessrule #removeroads #roadskill #micromobility #15minuteneighbourhoods #bioswale #BeaverBeliever
Suburban sprawl and car dependence go hand in hand
“Suburban sprawl leads to more high-speed roads, longer distances between centres of daily activity and more time in cars. All these factors increase the risk of road deaths and injuries.”
“Car-dependent neighbourhoods deprive children of opportunities essential for their health and wellbeing. They miss out on physical activity, unstructured play, social interaction and developing social networks. In addition, traffic noise and air pollution expose them to a wide range of environmental and health problems.”
“How can we develop better planning policies to create neighbourhoods that properly meet families’ needs? Some policies already exist, such as 15-minute or 20-minute neighbourhoods, to reduce private car use for daily activities. But these policies get sidelined when governments promote suburban sprawl and build more freeways.”
“Car-centric planning dates back to the 1950s. Since then, Australian suburban fringe development has largely failed to create child-friendly neighbourhoods.”
“If governments are serious about the needs of families with children, they could start by acknowledging children’s needs and rights to be able to get to their daily destinations without a car. To deliver neighbourhoods that make this possible, governments need to be bold and decisive in their planning.”
“Suburban sprawl and car dependence go hand in hand. Our politicians must commit to urban planning where cars are no longer privileged. Otherwise we deny our children basic rights to learn, play and socialise safely in their own neighbourhoods.”
#RoadDeaths #Backyards #15MinuteNeighbourhoods #sprawl #children #dependence #rights #Bellingen #NSW #roads #pollution #noise #FossilFuel #cars #mobility #so50s
#roaddeaths #backyards #15minuteneighbourhoods #sprawl #children #dependence #rights #bellingen #nsw #roads #pollution #noise #fossilfuel #cars #mobility #so50s