2ª capa de gespa (flocat?). És l’original que venia GW als 90 (encara em queda mig pot de vidre i una borsa per encetar).
La idea era que el verd quede uniforme, dissimular imperfeccions i deixar-ho tot llest per varnissar-les a la vesprada o demà. Després és qüestió de netejar les roques i retocar amb una tinta verda. Si eres prou valent, es pot “tacar” la gespa a alguns llocs amb agrax diluït, però se’t pot anar de les mans.
#scenery #15mm40k #wargaming #paintingminiatures
Hui hem fet unes quantes muntanyetes i colines per al tauler de gespa. La meua dona s’ha apuntat i li ha molat molt el tallador de suro. #scenery #15mm40k #wargaming #PaintingMiniatures
#scenery #15mm40k #wargaming #paintingminiatures
Some people wonders why we are painting 15mm models in order to play 28mm games.
One reason is the freedom to use whatever you want: Classic dreads instead of "wraithlords", first edition looking Orks instead of bigger meaner Orks, etc.
Second is price. It's way cheaper than big stuff.
And third, but more important: They are miniatures. Not action figure. I'm tired of the scale creep. I joined "the hobby" because I liked small models. Now everything's huge.
#15mm40k #epic40k #warhammer40k
I'm looking for scans of these old plastic minotaurs, as I plan to print them in 15mm scale. #minotaur #15mm40k #3dprinting #warhammer40k
Epic plastic minotaurs may work (upscaling them from 6 to 15 but those are even more uncommon).
#minotaur #15mm40k #3dprinting #warhammer40k
I've not shared this with you yet. SHAME ON ME! https://wilbur.ghost.io/best-space-orcs-ever/ I'm really excited about this project, come and see what I've found on the Internet!
#15mm40k #40k #SpaceOrks #PaulBonner #3dprinting #PaintingMiniatures
#15mm40k #40k #spaceorks #paulbonner #3dprinting #paintingminiatures
Finished 15mm Eldar Farseer. Sculpted by Lord Chronos, printed by @decimo.
Sorry for the gif, I had to do it.
#farseer #eldar #aeldari #15mm #15mm40k #40k #PaintingMiniatures #epic #3dprinting #phrozen #8k
#farseer #eldar #Aeldari #15mm #15mm40k #40k #paintingminiatures #epic #3dprinting #phrozen #8k
Today's progress on the Farseer #Eldar #Aeldari #15mm40k #40k #PaintingMiniatures #warhammer40k
#eldar #Aeldari #15mm40k #40k #paintingminiatures #warhammer40k
And last but not least THE CUTEST SMOL WARLOCK YOU'VE EVER SEEN #Eldar #Aeldari #15mm40k #40k #3dPrinting
#eldar #Aeldari #15mm40k #40k #3dprinting
Having fun with the #WarhammerDay #Warhammerfest new releases?
I'm having a great time with my resin printed #Eldar, sculpted by independent artists outside the Games Corporation. Infinitely cheaper, more cute and strangely satisfying to paint.
In the current economic crisis scenario I think it's specially on these "trademark days" when we should reflect on our hyper-consumer behaviour and the sustainability of it all.
#warhammerday #warhammerfest #eldar #15mm40k #15mm #40k #Aeldari #3dprinting
Preparing this week’s hobby #15mm40k #eldar #GrimReapers #Rangers
#15mm40k #eldar #grimreapers #rangers
Eldar Dreadnough (also known as Wraithlord) in Alaitoc colours finishing off a Mon’keigh. #15mm40k #epic40k #Eldar #wraithlord #PaintingMiniatures
#15mm40k #epic40k #eldar #wraithlord #paintingminiatures
Let’s do some testing #eldar #15mm40k #tiny40k #3dPrinting #PaintingModels
#eldar #15mm40k #tiny40k #3dprinting #PaintingModels
Hi there #warhamFam. I haven't posted a lot of #hobby recently due to catastrophic failures on my ability to dodge shitstorms related to having an awful family. But my friendly neighbour @decimo printed these #15mm40k #Eldar and now they're traveling through the Webway (AKA mail) so I can paint something cool while not leaving the house for days.
#warhamFam #hobby #15mm40k #eldar
Is 15mm 40k is the new Black?
#paintingminiatures #eldar #15mm40k #epic40k