Don't be a naysayer,
neither be you negative
nor constantly find fault—
that's my job.
— § —
Connecting dots can be challenging
in our Jackson Pollack lives.
— § —
My old knapsack,
compadre of the track—
son never brought it back.
#MicroPoetry #poems #poetry
#15WordsPoet: naysayer
#PenYourTen: connect
#StoryIn12: knapsack
#smallpoems #micropoetry #poems #poetry #15wordspoet #penyourten #storyin12
RT mineisforever: the volatility,
the vulnerability
of a traumatized soul
and an adored heart;
do not underestimate
RT AuthorRKK: A shrouded silhouette draped in gauze, forever obscured beyond the veil of time and distance.
Fizz dissolved on tongue,
Rushed absorbtion to blood.
Prompting #jargon, jumbled between mirror and ears.
#jargon #15wordspoet #WritingCommunity #poetry
she weaves her pale green yarn
Hands wrinkled with age and wisdom, holding time
You've never been mine, not once.
But I think about you all the time.
#15wordspoet #WritingCommunity #poetry
She said,
"I could write a treatise
on your thoughlessness"
but delivered a seminar instead.
#15WordsPoet: treatise
#micropoetry #SmallPoems #poems #poetry #PoetryCommunity
#15wordspoet #micropoetry #smallpoems #poems #poetry #poetrycommunity
The Right Sort of Friend
When you clumsily trip on a stair,
she mends your amour propre
with delicate savoir faire.
#15WordsPoet: savoir faire
— § —
Too late my apology;
duct tape on a broken axle
#distich #10WordJournal 300: apology
— § —
rain, snow or hail?
sleet remains non-commital
lets the wild wind choose
#haiku #senryu
#micropoetry #SmallPoems #poems #poetry #PoetryCommunity
#15wordspoet #distich #10wordjournal #haiku #senryu #micropoetry #smallpoems #poems #poetry #poetrycommunity
Along dainty lines we waltz a witty repartee,
My summer #raconteur becomes my winter memory.
#raconteur #15wordspoet #WritingCommunity #poetry
ㅤ midnight; my thoughts fly
not to the page but to join
their siblings in dreams.
— § —
The meek shall inherit the earth;
they shall lie,
bones and dust,
in their graves.
#haiku #micropoetry #ShortPoems
#575prompt: flight (@aethelshane) (12.22)
#15WordsPoet: meek (12.22)
#haiku #micropoetry #shortpoems #575prompt #15wordspoet
Here, in the embers of the end of the world,
We #languish.
Exchanging corporeal pleasantries.
#languish #15wordspoet #WritingCommunity #vsspoem
Impotent words, such sequence jumbles
And tumbles in folds of thought
To metastasise in pain.
#15wordspoet #WritingCommunity
#Inverted pyramid poem hits its
blunt and crude conclusion
with its confronting
final word:
The pastry of honesty, honestly,
Sits untouched on platters,
While the clowns dance around me.
#15wordspoet #WritingCommmunity #vsspoem
Crack glass and chisel stone.
But no soft petal could feel more caring than alone.
#15wordspoet #WritingCommmunity #poetry
Seasonal flow,
Summer swells.
Blonde and baby tones lift on jaunty breeze,
Barefoot beach nights.
#15wordspoet #WritingCommunity #poetry
Desperate vines, #hypnotized by starlight,
Manic petals climbing, walls to windowsills
To romance a stone.
#hypnotized #15wordspoet #WritingCommunity #poetry
Swallow pride like a daily pill.
Redistribute #equilibrium.
Make stone from pebbled heart.
Carry on.
#equilibrium #15wordspoet #poetrycommunity #poetry #writing #writingcommnunity
The bitter end is what you make of it.
No more eggs for breakfast.
#15wordspoet #WritingCommunity #poetry