Lovely sunny afternoon ride out to Porty Prom and back with @EdCriticalMass - the clouds descended just as we reached the Meadows...
CM meets at 2pm, Middle Meadow Walk on the last Saturday of each month. You can usually catch a few InfraSisters there. We're starting to plot our next night ride during the #16DaysOfActivism
I’m a barrister & I know the law doesn’t protect women and girls – it needs to change. This is why I’m launching a new, radical organisation in partnership with
We WILL change the law for women & girls🧵
RT @WasilewskaEU: Thank you Grenada 🇬🇩 for letting us be part of the Clothesline Project during #16DaysOfActivism. Funded by the 🇪🇺🇺🇳#SpotlightInitiative it is a moving and inspiring display of T-shirts made by survivors of violence, and anyone who stands strongly against gender based violence.🚫
#16DaysOfActivism #SpotlightInitiative
Over the past #16DaysOfActivism, we have said NO to #ViolenceAgainstWomen and girls. The #16days of activism may be over, but we will not stay silent until we see a world free from violence against women and girls. #OrangeTheWorld
#16DaysOfActivism #ViolenceAgainstWomen #16days #orangetheworld
RT @UkraineCoE: What will #IstanbulConvention mean for Ukrainians when it is fully applied?
New infographics developed under #CoE project “Combatting violence against women in Ukraine” (COVAW)
#istanbulconvention #CoE #16DaysOfActivism
Hands talk: Duty of care continuum for survivors of domestic violence in Mongolia -- a photo essay
During the COVID-19 lockdowns, demand for emergency services, shelters, medical and psychological support escalated in Mongolia.
Although the hotline was open 24/7, many survivors couldn’t talk or request for help since their abusers were locked down with them. #DV #GBV #16DaysOfActivism
The dangerous sexual practice on the rise.
The sexual assault charges against Sri Lankan cricketer Danushka Gunathilaka expose a phenomenon that has largely been invisible despite its ubiquity.
Gunathilaka allegedly strangled the victim to the point that she “feared for her life.” #GBV #16DaysOfActivism
It’s time to SPEAK OUT. #ViolenceAgainstWomen and girls takes multiple forms.
While today we conclude #16DaysOfActivism on #HumanRightsDay2022, this fight for women’s basic rights need to be continued, everyday.
#PushForward #SayNoStopVAW #EndGBV #EU
#ViolenceAgainstWomen #16DaysOfActivism #HumanRightsDay2022 #orangetheworld #PushForward #saynostopvaw #endgbv #EU
Gender-based violence is one of the most prevalent human rights abuses in the world. ❌
Today, the #16DaysofActivism campaign is coming to an end, but we will continue our work for the safety of women in girls caught in humanitarian crises.
#16days #OrangeTheWorld @refugees
#16DaysOfActivism #16days #orangetheworld
How Women Holding Flowers Held Japanese Courts to Account
The Flower Demos brought aggrieved people out to discuss their experiences and protest the silence behind the societal treatment of women in Japan.
It created a community that acknowledged sexual violence as a social problem, in contrast to the common narrative, particularly in Japanese society, of the onus and blame being on individuals. #GBV #16DaysOfActivism
Jeg støtter op om FN-kampagnen for afskaffelse af vold mod kvinder. Vi skal alle opføre os ordentligt. #OrangeTheWorld #16DaysOfActivism @UN_Women
#orangetheworld #16DaysOfActivism
#16díasDeActivismo para acabar con la violencia de género pone de relieve que la violencia contra las mujeres y las niñas sigue siendo la violación de los derechos humanos más generalizada en todo el mundo.
La UE condena la violencia sexual en los conflictos.
#OrangeTheWorld ⤵️
RT @eu_eeas: #16daysOfActivism to end gender-based violence highlights the fact that violence against women and girls remains the most pervasive human rights violation around the world.
#16DíasdeActivismo #orangetheworld #16DaysOfActivism
Ten years ago this month, a horrific gang rape and murder of a young woman, Jyoti Singh, in Delhi was a watershed moment which focused India's national conversation on an issue previously left in the shadows - violence against women.
One woman who found herself pulled into battles for justice against rape is the mother of Jyoti - Asha Devi. #GBV #16DaysOfActivism
RT @PES_Women: #16days On Int. Human Rights Defenders Day - and ahead of Int. Human Rights Day tomorrow - our message is clear: women’s rights are human rights and their defenders are essential for democracies everywhere. Read our full statement here:
RT @PES_Women: #16days On Int. Human Rights Defenders Day - and ahead of Int. Human Rights Day tomorrow - our message is clear: women’s rights are human rights and their defenders are essential for democracies everywhere. Read our full statement here:
RT @UKMisBrussels: During the #16DaysofActivism we have a joined up to hear from 📢civil society actors about tackling conflict- related sexual and gender based violence. This year we have partnered with 🇵🇱 MEP @RobertBiedron 💬
#16DaysOfActivism #forsurvivorswithsurvivors
Girls who undergo female genital mutilation face short-term complications & long-term consequences for their sexual, reproductive & mental health.
Let us speak out, #PushForward & fight against #GenderBasedViolence.
#OrangeTheWorld #SayNoStopVAW #EndGBV #16DaysOfActivism
#PushForward #genderbasedviolence #orangetheworld #saynostopvaw #endgbv #16DaysOfActivism
#16daysOfActivism to end gender-based violence highlights the fact that violence against women and girls remains the most pervasive human rights violation around the world.
The EU condemns sexual violence in conflict and stands with survivors.
#16DaysOfActivism #saynostopvaw #orangetheworld
#16daysOfActivism to end gender-based violence highlights the fact that violence against women and girls remains the most pervasive human rights violation around the world.
The EU condemns sexual violence in conflict and stands with survivors.
#16DaysOfActivism #saynostopvaw #orangetheworld
As part of the #16DaysofActivism against gender-based violence & the 🧡 #OrangeTheWorld campaign, we are sharing 16 key statistics on violence against women in the 🇪🇺 #EU.
It’s high time to end #ViolenceAgainstWomen & girls! ✋
#16DaysOfActivism #orangetheworld #EU #ViolenceAgainstWomen #saynostopvaw