Oh, so long ago.

Yours truly on our Texas Instruments TI-99/4A, late 1981. Ahead of its time in many ways, and doomed to failure. Yes, that's a television hooked up as a monitor and an audio tape drive for data and programme storage.

The TI-99/4 was the first 16-bit home computer, with good colour graphics and a sprite system that was the best available at the time. A peripheral system was soon available that enabled the use of memory cards, multiple rom packs, serial and parallel ports, floppy drives, and hard drives.

Using a Hewlett Packard 9825A at work and the TI-99/4A at home meant I was thoroughly enmeshed in the world of the personal computer. My wife learned to write programmes on this wee beastie.

Yes, I'm wearing a white cardigan. No judgement, OK?

#PersonalComputer #vintagecomputer #16bitcomputer #vintagecomputing

Last updated 1 year ago

Jim Donegan βœ… · @jimdonegan
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