The #health sector plays a key role in responding to #GBV. Survivors need access to comprehensive services including mental health care. Supporting the health systems in #Ethiopia and #Africa is part of the fight against #GBV. #16daysEthiopia #AUEU
#health #GBV #Ethiopia #Africa #16daysEthiopia #AUEU #16daysofaction
RT @EUinEthiopia: EU and Member States Joint Event on 16 Days of Activism has started! Great opening remarks from EU Ambassadors @RolandKobia and @BNMarkussen, and Schadrack Dusabe of @unwomenethiopia. Now, to our workshops! #16daysEthiopia #AUEU
We support #survivors of #domesticviolence, #FGM, #sexualassault, #harassment & #childmarriage! More work needs to be done to ensure that the voices and experiences of survivors are heard, recognised & addressed in Africa and all over the World! #16daysEthiopia #AUEU
#survivors #domesticviolence #FGM #Sexualassault #harassment #childmarriage #16daysEthiopia #AUEU
#Childmarriage is a violence against children & one form of #SGBV that causes girls to drop out of school. #Childmarriage must be eliminated in #Africa and all over the World! #16daysEthiopia #OrangeTheWorld
#childmarriage #SGBV #Africa #16daysEthiopia #orangetheworld #AUEU
Men and boys leading conversations, advocacy and activities against #GBV is a significant step towards changing harmful patterns. Male engagement for the reduction of GBV in #Ethiopia and #Africa works! #16daysEthiopia #AUEU
#GBV #Ethiopia #Africa #16daysEthiopia #AUEU #16DaysOfActivismAgainstGBV
#Childmarriage is a violence against children & one form of #SGBV that causes girls to drop out of school. 40% of women aged 20-25 in #Ethiopia got married before they were 18. #Childmarriage must be eliminated in #Africa and all over the World! #16daysEthiopia #AUEU
#childmarriage #SGBV #Ethiopia #Africa #16daysEthiopia #AUEU
Educating, debating and working together for the eradication of #FGM and #childmarriage is the only way to achieve a future where every woman and girl can fully enjoy their #HumanRights! #16daysEthiopia #AUEU #16DaysOfActivism
#FGM #childmarriage #humanrights #16daysEthiopia #AUEU #16DaysOfActivism
Gender and social inequalities fuel both #GBV and #HIV. On this #WorldAIDSDay 2022, let us commit to #UNiTE and address inequalities to end #GBV, HIV and AIDS in #Ethiopia and #Africa! #16daysEthiopia #AUEU
#AUEU #16daysEthiopia #africa #ethiopia #unite #WorldAIDSDay #hiv #GBV
🚨HIV in the war torn Tigray:
46,000 PLWHIV with no ART drugs
2400 exposed infants with no prophylaxis
2600 HIV+ mothers with no medications
the whole region with no HIV test kits ad condoms for 2 years.
የሥርዓተ-ፆታ እና የማህበራዊ እኩልነት አለመመጣጠን #በኢትዮጵያ እና #አፍሪካ በጾታ ላይ የተመሰረተ ጥቃትን እና ኤችአይቪን ያባብሳሉ!#16daysEthiopia #AUEU
#AUEU #16daysEthiopia #አፍሪካ #በኢትዮጵያ
የሥርዓተ-ፆታ እና የማህበራዊ እኩልነት አለመመጣጠን #በኢትዮጵያ እና #በአፍሪካ በጾታ ላይ የተመሰረተ ጥቃትን እና ኤችአይቪን ያባብሳሉ!
#16daysEthiopia #AUEU
#AUEU #16daysEthiopia #በአፍሪካ #በኢትዮጵያ
#FGM is a form of #SGBV that, despite being illegal, is still prevalent in several African countries. We support initiatives to eradicate this harmful practice! #16daysEthiopia #AUEU
#FGM #SGBV #16daysEthiopia #AUEU
Women and girls networks strengthen the support system, give voice to their issues and create awareness on #GBV! We proudly support feminist networks in #Africa and globally. #16daysEthiopia #AUEU
#GBV #Africa #16daysEthiopia #AUEU
Men of quality do not fear equality! Ensuring #GenderEquality in #Ethiopia, #Africa and all over the world is everyone's responsibility! #16daysEthiopia #AUEU
#GenderEquality #Ethiopia #Africa #16daysEthiopia #AUEU
During the 16 Days of Activism Against #GBV in 2022 we #UNiTE! in activism to end violence against women and girls in #Ethiopia, the African continent and all over the world! #16daysEthiopia #AUEU @BNMarkussen
#GBV #unite #Ethiopia #16daysEthiopia #AUEU
🚨“We brought back the most painful stories, and every side was implicated,” she recalled. “But when I wanted to release our findings, I was told that I was crossing a line."
#JusticeForTigrayPeople #JusticeForTigrayWomen
በ2022 በጾታ ላይ የተመሰረተ ጥቃትን ለመከላከል (#GBV) በሚደረገው የ16 ቀናት እንቅስቃሴ :በኢትዮጵያ፣ በአፍሪካ አህጉር እና በመላው አለም በሴቶች እና ልጃገረዶች ላይ የሚደርሱ ጥቃቶችን ለማስቆም በአንድነት እንሰራለን! #16daysEthiopia #AUEU
#AUEU #16daysEthiopia #GBV #JusticeForTigrayWomen #JusticeForTigrayPeople
RT @GerEmbAddis: Unite to end violence against women and girls! #AU Commissioner @JosefaSacko and @EUtoAU ambassadors getting ready for the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence. #16daysEthiopia #OrangetheWorld @unwomenAU
#AU #16daysEthiopia #orangetheworld
Follow our campaign #16daysEthiopia #AUEU during the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence 2022 for powerful messages on #GBV in #Ethiopia and #Africa!
#16daysEthiopia #AUEU #GBV #Ethiopia #Africa