"Time changes the places that knew us, and if we go back in after years, still even then it is not the old spot; the gate swings differently, new thatch has been put on the old gables, the road has been widened, and the sward the driven sheep lingered on is gone."
The Open Air

#175wildlifewalk #natureobservations #nature #richardjefferies #richardjefferies175

Last updated 2 years ago

"Legion is a little word for the butterflies; the dry pastures among the
woods are brown with meadow-brown; blues and coppers float in endless succession; all the nations of Xerxes' army were but a handful to these."

Those were the words of Richard Jefferies in Field and Hedgerow – Hours of Spring.


Photograph by Rosie Tozer.

#natureobservations #175wildlifewalk #richardjefferies175 #nature #richardjefferies #butterflyconservation #butterflies #conservation

Last updated 2 years ago

This is a promotional clip for , the new David Attenborough-fronted documentary.


If you're involved with our walk this year (tip: anyone can join in!), we'd love contributions to our next book. More details here:

Wild Isles will be broadcast on the BBC this spring.

Photo by Rosie Tozer.

#wildisles #175wildlifewalk #natureobservations #nature #richardjefferies #richardjefferies175

Last updated 2 years ago

Richard Jefferies, writing in The Hills and the Vale, put it this way: "Only by walking hand in hand with nature, only by a reverent and loving study of the mysteries for ever around us, is it possible to disabuse the mind of the narrow view, the contracted belief that time is now and eternity to-morrow. Eternity is to-day."

#175wildlifewalk #natureobservations #nature #richardjefferies #richardjefferies175 #eternityistoday

Last updated 2 years ago

The museum is home to a robin (or two). They can sometimes be very daring - have you spotted them perched on a bench here or a branch there?

Photo of (dare we say) our robin by Rosie Tozer.

Richard Jefferies, writing in Wild Life in a Southern County, made this observation (cont'd):

#175wildlifewalk #natureobservations #nature #richardjefferies #richardjefferies175

Last updated 2 years ago