Αστυνομικοί κλειδωμένοι στα κρατητήρια και μέλη της 17Ν να αλωνίζουν μέσα στο ΑΤ Βύρωνα. Ίσως το μεγαλύτερο φιάσκο στην ιστορία της ΕΛΑΣ έγινε μια ημέρα σαν σήμερα πριν από 35 χρόνια.
#antireport #17N #antireportgr @antireportgr
#antireport #17n #antireportgr
RT @Anna_99090909@twitter.com
#video 2 #17N #antireport
Remembering those murdered by the police at the Polytechnic on this day 1973
We don’t forget
Solidarity with to all comrades in the world who are still fighting for a better world #acab #πολυτεχνειο #athens #greece
#17Νοέβρη #εξαρχεια
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Anna_99090909/status/1593056209191723011
#video #17n #antireport #acab #πολυτεχνειο #athens #greece #17νοέβρη #εξαρχεια
RT @Anna_99090909@twitter.com
#video 1 #17N #antireport
Remembering those murdered by the police at the Polytechnic on this day 1973
We don’t forget
Solidarity with to all comrades in the world who are still fighting for a better world #acab #πολυτεχνειο #athens #greece
#17Νοέβρη #εξαρχεια
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Anna_99090909/status/1593055010732244992
#video #17n #antireport #acab #πολυτεχνειο #athens #greece #17νοέβρη #εξαρχεια
RT @Anna_99090909@twitter.com
#video 5 #17N #antireport
Remembering those murdered by the police at the Polytechnic on this day 1973
We don’t forget
Solidarity with to all comrades in the world who are still fighting for a better world #acab #πολυτεχνειο #athens #greece
#17Νοέβρη #εξαρχεια
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Anna_99090909/status/1593058500477091841
#video #17n #antireport #acab #πολυτεχνειο #athens #greece #17νοέβρη #εξαρχεια
RT @Antifa_Attack@twitter.com
Ενημέρωση για συγκέντρωση 17Ν στη Λαμία
από Πυρήνας Αναρχικών Λαμίας
Griechenland: Über 17N und was es bedeutet, ein Mörder zu sein – Ein Interview
Übersetzt von @PuneX - Weiterlesen: https://enough-is-enough14.org/2021/03/19/griechenland-ueber-17n-und-was-es-bedeutet-ein-moerder-zu-sein-ein-interview/
#Griechenland #Antireport #Gefangene #17n #koufontinas
#koufontinas #17n #gefangene #antireport #griechenland
RT @enough14@twitter.com
#Greece: On 17N and what it means to be a murderer - An interview - Read more: https://enoughisenough14.org/2021/03/14/greece-on-17n-and-what-it-means-to-be-a-murderer-an-interview/ #antireport #17n #koufontinas_hungerstrike #koufontinas_hunger_strike #koufodinas_hungerstrike #antireport #Κουφοντινας
#greece #antireport #17n #koufontinas_hungerstrike #koufontinas_hunger_strike #koufodinas_hungerstrike #κουφοντινας
#Greece: On 17N and what it means to be a murderer - An interview - Read more: https://enoughisenough14.org/2021/03/14/greece-on-17n-and-what-it-means-to-be-a-murderer-an-interview/ #antireport #17n #koufontinas_hungerstrike #koufontinas_hunger_strike #koufodinas_hungerstrike #antireport #Κουφοντινας
#κουφοντινας #koufodinas_hungerstrike #koufontinas_hunger_strike #koufontinas_hungerstrike #17n #antireport #greece
Je suis né le 17 novembre.
52ème jour de la grève de la faim de Dimitris Koufontinas.
#17N #FreeKoufontinas #Koufontinas #Koufodinas
RT @stergiosale@twitter.com
Η ζωή θα ΝΙΚΗΣΕΙ
Φωτογραφία @lolosmarios@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/stergiosale/status/1366471332007993344
#koufontinas_hunger_strike #17n #FreeKoufontinas #koufontinas #Koufodinas
RT @BlxckMosquito@twitter.com
Spannungen zwischen der Polizei und Demonstranten, welche ihre Solidarität mit #Kofountinas zeigen, an der U-Bahnstation am Omonia Square in #Athen.
#koufontinas_hunger_strike #antireport #Greece #Griechenland #koufontinas_hungerstrike #17N
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BlxckMosquito/status/1365342428648132609
#Kofountinas #athen #koufontinas_hunger_strike #antireport #greece #griechenland #koufontinas_hungerstrike #17n
RT @BlxckMosquito@twitter.com
Bei der Demonstration für die Solidarität von Dimitris #Koufontinas kommt es in #Athen zu massiven Spannungen.
#17N #Greece #Greek #Greichenland #Κουφοντινας
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BlxckMosquito/status/1364644383090475009
#koufontinas #athen #17n #greece #greek #Greichenland #κουφοντινας #koufontinas_hungerstrike
"This obsessive persecution is always an honor for a political prisoner" - On the transfer of Dimitris Koufontinas - Read more: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/12/28/this-obsessive-persecution-is-always-an-honor-for-a-political-prisoner-on-the-transfer-of-dimitris-koufontinas/ #prisoners #17N #DimitrisKoufontinas #antireport
#antireport #dimitriskoufontinas #17n #prisoners
Bedrückende Atmosphäre in #Athen am 17. November - Weiterlesen: https://enough-is-enough14.org/2020/11/18/bedrueckende-atmosphaere-in-athen-am-17-november/ #17NGr #17Nov2020 #17N #antireport
#antireport #17n #17Nov2020 #17ngr #athen