Dr. Emily Friedman · @friede
1082 followers · 2242 posts · Server mastodon.online

As will surprise few, Small Nephew added that he had a dream about fighting a dragon alongside @Woubble_@twitter.com, who in his telling now have TWO mimic friends.

He also remembered getting to watch (“that’s Orinda’s game, right? I remember that’s the other Dr. Emily’s character)


Last updated 2 years ago

Dr. Emily Friedman · @friede
825 followers · 1116 posts · Server mastodon.online

TheatreProf is guesting in so I was looking at NPCs in Ch 4 of WITCHLIGHT. They’re from across the multiverse, including 1 “from the world of Tal’dorei” — a *continent* on the world of Exandria in .

I’m fascinated by the idea of a slightly-wrong Easter Egg.

#criticalrole #18cdnd

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr. Emily Friedman · @friede
825 followers · 1116 posts · Server mastodon.online

This is what my life is like right now: while trying to catch up on the live show for research, Small Nephew asks me to DM for him & his mom over FaceTime for 40 minutes before TheatreProf arrives to develop his guest for a half hour before our local game.

#DnD #18cdnd #AcqInc

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr. Emily Friedman · @friede
825 followers · 1116 posts · Server mastodon.online

Tonight in — payoffs from the start of the campaign, a rare combat encounter that was mostly slicing up a plaster cake, and lots of making friends with snacks. All told, a very on-brand session for these folks.

#DnD #18cdnd

Last updated 2 years ago