#SFCemeteries #SFSeals #SFGiants #PacificCoastLeague #MLB #1906Earthquake
I owned a house on Ewing Terrance off of Masonic just south of Geary for few years in the early 1980's.
I'm not sure but this location may have been the site of one of these early cemeteries on what was then the western edge of town.
However, it is documented that this location was the site of a baseball field for awhile following the 1906 Earthquate & Fire, called Ewing Field, where the SF Seals played during the early 1900's, presumably after any gravesites located there were moved.
See: https://www.opensfhistory.org/osfhcrucible/2020/11/01/ewing-field-a-closer-look/
#sfcemeteries #pacificcoastleague #mlb #sfseals #sfgiants #1906earthquake
1906 Earthquake Refugee Cottages
Over 5600 were built, hundreds were moved, many still remain.
Is it a cottage? A sure way to tell is to find the "Park Bench Green" wood.
Tonight, May 1, 7pm, Woody LaBounty
& I will tell the story of these shacks.
https://sanfranciscostory.com/events/ #sfhistory #sanFranciscoHistory #SanFrancisco #1906Earthquake
#SFHistory #sanfranciscohistory #sanfrancisco #1906earthquake
This morning's ceremony at Lotta's Fountain commemorating the 1906 Earthquake and Fire is available for viewing through SF Gov TV
#SanFrancisco #1906Earthquake
My great-granduncle Edward Creely rebuilding his demolished Veterinary Hospital on Golden Gate Ave, one month after the 1906 EQ.
We lost two bookstores, this place, part of a house and an office after the quake. No one died. That's a win.
From SF Fire
This Historical Apparatus will be at the 1906 Commemoration event on 4-18-23 (INFO IN THE BELOW TWEET).
San Francisco Fire Department Salvage Company #2
1929 REO Salvage Wagon
Salvage Companies in the Fire Service came about in the 19th century when they were organized and staffed by Insurance companies and not firefighters. One such outfit was the Underwriters Fire Patrol Company which preceded the SFFD’s Salvage Corps. At the turn of the century, more municipal fire departments started to offer the services of the Salvage unit which primary mission was to protect property in a building or residence involved in fire. Typically, a salvage unit would carry numerous canvas covers that were thrown over furniture and other property to protect it from the deluge of water that inevitably cascaded down from the fire floor. It carried de-watering pumps, squeegees, and other tools for water removal.
#sanfrancisco #1906earthquake #whatson
Deconstructed 1906 Refugee Cottage, July 2007
This house on the 700 block of Moultrie in Bernal Heights turned out to be an earthquake shack, the original walls lined with 1907 newspaper (they were drafty!) Not exactly demolished, it was moved to parts unknown. #sfhistory #sanFrancisco #1906Earthquake
#SFHistory #sanfrancisco #1906earthquake