Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: The Spooky Period Pieces, Repro Memes, and Poetry That Got Us Through the Week #Jezebel #entertainment2cculture #strangelittlebirds #jillduggardillard #19kidsandcounting #kadyruthashcraft #laurentousignant #williamweightman #coreymylchreest #emilybrontc3ab #susanrinkunas #rachelsennott #marshawnlynch #oliverjackson #shondarhimes #emmaseligman #robertaflack #christine
#jezebel #entertainment2cculture #strangelittlebirds #jillduggardillard #19kidsandcounting #kadyruthashcraft #laurentousignant #williamweightman #coreymylchreest #emilybrontc3ab #susanrinkunas #rachelsennott #marshawnlynch #oliverjackson #shondarhimes #emmaseligman #RobertaFlack #christine
Heads up if you are watching the new Duggar Family/IBLP Amazon documentary “Shiny Happy People”:
In episode 4 at the 4 minute mark, they discuss what was in the CSA files on Josh Duggar’s computer. Skip to 4:20 to avoid.
Thanks to @moe.makes.magick on TikTok for the content warning
#ShinyHappyPeople #Duggars #DuggarFamily #JoshDuggar #IBLP #ATI #Fundie #FundieSnark #BillGothard #19KidsAndCounting
#shinyhappypeople #duggars #duggarfamily #joshduggar #iblp #ati #fundie #fundiesnark #billgothard #19kidsandcounting
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: You Aren't Prepared for How Disturbing 'Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets' Is #Jezebel #instituteinbasiclifeprinciples #emilyelizabethanderson #juliawilloughbynason #jillduggardillard #19kidsandcounting #corishepherdstern #shinyhappypeople #michelleduggar #derickdillard #duggarfamily #jimbobduggar #deannaduggar #kaeleighholt #billgothard #oliviacrist #arkansas
#jezebel #instituteinbasiclifeprinciples #emilyelizabethanderson #juliawilloughbynason #jillduggardillard #19kidsandcounting #corishepherdstern #ShinyHappyPeople #michelleduggar #derickdillard #duggarfamily #jimbobduggar #deannaduggar #kaeleighholt #billgothard #oliviacrist #arkansas
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Jessa Duggar Seewald Had an Abortion, Even If She Won't Say the Word #Jezebel #religionandabortion #jessaduggarseewald #19kidsandcounting #branchesofbiology #sarahzagorski #jimbobduggar #duggarfamily #socialissues #miscarriage #benseewald #abortion #medicine #articles #duggar #rtt
#jezebel #religionandabortion #jessaduggarseewald #19kidsandcounting #branchesofbiology #sarahzagorski #jimbobduggar #duggarfamily #socialissues #miscarriage #benseewald #abortion #medicine #articles #duggar #rtt
Josh Duggar sentenced to 12 years in child porn case #19kidsandcounting #celebritycrimes #celebritylawsuits #childpornography #countingon #joshduggar #realitystars #tlc #25maggio
#25maggio #tlc #realitystars #JoshDuggar #countingon #childpornography #celebritylawsuits #celebritycrimes #19kidsandcounting