Based on my timeline, National Dog Day posts beat National Women's Equality Day posts 25:1. That's right. Even when holidays are totally made up, women come second. #19thAmendment #NationalDogDay #NationalWomensEqualityDay
#19thamendment #nationaldogday #nationalwomensequalityday
#OnThisDay, August 26, in 1920, the 19th Amendment made laws reserving the ballot for men unconstitutional. Some American women were able to vote—due to voter suppression, Black women weren’t able to vote until the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (depicted in Iron Jawed Angels, 2004)
#Movies #Film #Cinemastodon #Letterboxd #IronJawedAngels #19thAmendment #VotesForWomen #Histodons @histodons #TodayInHistory
#onthisday #movies #film #cinemastodon #letterboxd #ironjawedangels #19thamendment #votesforwomen #histodons #todayinhistory
The #19thAmendment & #WomensEqualityDay
#19thamendment #womensequalityday
Today in #Connecticut History, August 17: Catherine Flanagan’s Two (Very Different) Trips To Washington
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#19thamendment #20thcentury #august #catherineflanagan #connecticuthistory #connecticutwomen #law #protests #socialmovements #women #women'ssuffrage #womenshistory
#connecticut #19thamendment #20thcentury #august #catherineflanagan #connecticuthistory #connecticutwomen #law #protests #socialmovements #women #womenshistory
The 19th Amendment, Women's Right To Vote, was passed by the US Senate on June 4, 1919.
The 19th Amendment, Women's Right To Vote, was passed by the US House of Representatives on May 21, 1919.
Mind you, this was more than a quarter century before women gained the right to vote in the US via the 19th Amendment.
The GOP of today wants America to go back to the paternalistic laws that invasively and pervasively restricted what women could do.
#19thAmendment #Womensrights #GOP
#gop #womensrights #19thamendment
So uh #timpool is now humoring eliminating #womenssuffrage. Rationale: too many women are woke and it is the will of other women... Id like to think this is just a caricature used to ridicule the right but then I look at the comments and ask: is this where the right really is at today?!
#timpool #womenssuffrage #19thamendment #votingrights
@s_bosbach @hattamisra @draliceevans @histodons This is one of the maps I always show my classes when we talk about the roots of the #19thAmendment. It indicates what you’re thinking—that whatever the reason may be, western states we more likely to have voting rights for women. Wyoming did so before it even became a state.
#illustration for magazine:
“Teaching Voting Rights in the Time of Coronavirus: What Our Students Should Know About the Struggle for the Ballot — but Won’t Learn from Their Textbooks”
#15thamendment #ballot #votingrights #history #19thamendment #votingrightsact
#illustration #15thamendment #ballot #votingrights #history #19thamendment #votingrightsact