Mareike Spychala · @SpychalaM
123 followers · 85 posts · Server

Started today by having breakfast (banana pancakes!) with friends, then continued a puzzle while watching , went for a walk with a friend and her puppy, and read some "Lady Audley's Secret" ( ).
Oh, and I finally watched the finale of S3 of .

What did everyone else get up to this Sunday?

#StarTrekLowerDecks #19thcLit #criticalrole

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr. Kelsey Power · @kelseashanty
206 followers · 92 posts · Server

@litstudies I'm looking for 19th century novels featuring Napoleonic prisoners of war to add to my reading list. Any help appreciated!

#VictorianLit #19thcLit #Victodon #victorianstudies #EnglishLit

Last updated 2 years ago