People attend the Whitby Goth Weekend in Whitby. #dracula #19thcentury #19thcenturynovels
#dracula #19thcentury #19thcenturynovels
Fancying a rewatch of #BBC 1999 #TV version of #ElizabethGaskell Wives and Daughters. We haven’t seen it since it first aired but have the #DVD, which I just pulled out of a precariously tall DVD pile in our sitting room! Looking forward to it. I reread the original novel recently. #BritishTV #90sTV #VictorianLiterature #19thCenturyLiterature #NineteenthCenturyLiterature #Novels #CostumeDrama #WomenAuthors #FemaleAuthors #Books #19thCenturyNovels #VictorianNovels #Fiction
#fiction #victoriannovels #19thcenturynovels #books #femaleauthors #womenauthors #costumedrama #novels #nineteenthcenturyliterature #19thcenturyliterature #victorianliterature #90stv #britishtv #dvd #elizabethgaskell #tv #bbc
"There was something in (Mr. Masters') appearance which recommended him among his neighbors, who were disposed to
say he 'looked the gentleman;' but a stranger might have thought his cheeks to be flabby and his mouth to be weak."
In a novel about image, a subtle reminder that it's subjective. Nicely played.
#19thcenturynovels #trollope #theamericansenator
"But, then, an attorney must live by lawsuits, and it seemed to Mr. Twentyman that an attorney should not stop to inquire whether a new client is a brute or not."
Was not expecting an entire chapter meditating on legal ethics. But then, I picked this book knowing nothing about it, so... interested to see where this goes, now that the plot has finally started.
#19thcenturynovels #trollope #theamericansenator
"not too proud to eat toffy" is my new favorite way of expressing someone's willingness to be authentic.
#19thcenturynovels #trollope #theamericansenator
Let me try to do this #introduction right. Hi everyone! I study #victorian literature, #decadence #aesthetics #supernaturalfiction and particularly Literary Decadence, the Aesthetic Movement, the Supernatural, Fantastic, and #19thcenturynovels
My dissertation is “The Use of the Supernatural in Fin-de-Siècle Aesthetic Literature”.
I’m looking to connect with anybody and everybody! Hi! o/
#introduction #victorian #decadence #aesthetics #supernaturalfiction #19thcenturynovels
@DrBibliomane No I haven't but I will put it on my list. I've only read Cousin Pons and was not knocked off my socks, bu t that coukd just have been me. I LOOOOVE Zola! Also really want to reread Bovary to see how it holds up to Anna Karenina and Effie Briest! #19thCenturyNovels